
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dictionary definitions are vague

Definitions of words are important. It gives meaning. When we don't know a word, we use the dictionary. You acquire the definition and still don't know. Often people give up at this point, or think they know it. Even the word cliché can be hard. When I have a very hard word, I first look it up. I found the word discourse, but things were missing. I was reading Michel Foucault: What is an author? The concept of discourse was largely by Michel Foucault, and or Merriam-Webster did not mention him. This is why you go to The definitions and concepts of discourse on mainstream dictionaries are unintellectual.

A lot of people forget that words are concepts. I feel that the dictionary has failed us. For lots of words its far from reliable. If you want to be an real intellectual, investigate it. Or else you have no hope in using words the way it should be. I feel bad for people that trust the dictionary with their heart rather than their heads. Using our eyes and ears helps with these issues too. Finding videos on the concepts of words, is more powerful than the vague definition.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Where do you like to study?

I've seen many places that you can study. I said can and the can in the sentence to me means that some of the places are not as good as other places for studying. Studying is a art because it is a action. What is the best place to develop this action. I say not at home, but at Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, or on college campus. I think that studying at home is not good for you. Well maybe it depends on what house you live in. Maybe I don't like studying in my family's house because it's so dark in there. It's not enough light in my room or in the whole house. I wish the lighting setup was better. So instead of complaining about why I can't study in my family's house. I just make my dad take me somewhere to study like I said of the top of this post. Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, or on college campus. I think the lighting in your house is very important because that lighting of the place you study matters. If you never thought about this issue or subject I guess you didn't have this problem before.

That's good because I don't want you guys to have this problem with Lighting. Lighting is life to me, without lighting I feel like a dead soul without enough light. Or I feel like Jasper.

Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Why you should consider the classroom other than the internet as the main source of your education...

Using the internet as the main source of learning something without taking classes with actual people in front of you is a bad idea. The reason is that nothing can beat real human interaction with each other. Using the internet should be used for a second source of education media not the first. That's why I don't believe in online High School's that are actually are just a High School in one website. But I don't believe in High School either so. Right now I am taking a Korean language course that is 5 credits, and me and my dad are making a documentary. So we are actually out there in the real world doing things out of our household. Being out there is the best thing that you can do for your education because nothing beats actually doing something. Instead of just learning it. Use what you learn off your online education and your classroom education and then combine them so you can do great things. But the problem is that everybody is not the same. And a lot of older people think that they don't have to learn anymore because they already finished High School. But that's not what you should do. You should keep learning even though you are not in school anymore. If you don't learn anymore since High School, you are out of date. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Monday, February 25, 2013

What do you do after work?

What do you guys do after a hard work day? Do you sleep and eat and eat again... Or are you doing something very productive that may get you out of work. This may be a controversial question but I want this question answered by comments on this blog. I don't think do the same thing after work is healthy for you. You have to break the cycles of circles going round and round. You have to make the circles to into a car wheel driving somewhere that you have never been. Or create a blog online or sell stuff online for extra money around your house or apartment. If you are couch surfing "My dream"... You should earn extra money for yourself and don't pay the rent and instead just do the dishes and chores for whoever you are staying with. Yea break the circle into something that the circle can turn into something that can make you happy not bored and tired of doing the same thing all of the time...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Why I think memorizing something at night is better than memorizing something on the day of the quiz.

Do you think that memorizing something at night is better than memorizing something on the day of the quiz or test? What's your opinion?

Answer to the question...

Um sir I think it's better for you to memorize words before the day of the " test or quiz " because you can sleep on it...

If this was your answer... I am happy to say that your answer matches my opinion.

Memorizing words for a foreign language usually takes me 2 hours for 5 words and 3 hours for 7 or more words at a time at everyday of the week. I think I feel like right now that when your memorize something before you sleep or you do something productive before you go to sleep, like I am doing right now. I think sleep makes you make Nero pathways new habits and I think the information soaks in more than just the subconscious level. I think it makes your remember in your active subconscious level. Your conscious thinking. That's why tonight before I go to bed I am going to memorize maybe 4 out of 12 words for tomorrow's vocab quiz to get a little head start. Or I am just going to go to bed right now. I think I might just have to learn a couple words and go to bed. I want to sleep my way to the top most of the time.

Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

What you have to do to learn the Korean alphabet.

Learning the Korean alphabet sometimes takes longer than expected... But I am going to tell you how to learn all the sounds of the vowels and consonants. First print out the the Korean alphabet so you can practice each sound one by one. Make sure you print out the consonants and the vowels because each word are made out of these two pieces of grammar. And now go on YouTube and pronounce the Korean alphabet... They have lots of YouTube tutorials on the Korean language so there is no excuse for not learning the sounds. And now when you know all of the sounds, buy the Sogang 1A textbook and the Sogang 1A workbook. These are very important because the textbook gives you a disc to listen to the pronunciation of a whole bunch of sentences. And these books will help you make a simple sentence. But the first note that I am going to leave you with today is, The beginning dialogues in the textbooks have the dictionary form verb ending. And you will have to change these endings in the future. Because the verb endings tell you the formality and the Present, Past, and Future of your sentence. So don't just say these sentences just yet until you change the endings to the speech ending. You can say Hello or Food. Also if you are not serious about learning a foreign language like Korean... Don't waste your time because Korean will take you hours and hours of good practice to acquire simple skills like listening and reading.... So take your time and good luck....   

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The hardest part about learning a language... Learning how to speak it.

Speaking the language to me is the hardest part about a foreign language. Foreign languages are foreign to us so it may take a while to learn how to respond with the correct words. For me I am still struggling with the basics but I will struggle over my problems to succeed over this language. I really want to learn how to speak my foreign language I am learning "Korean" because now I have Korean friends that want me to teach them English and they want to teach me Korean. But the problem is that I am still struggling with the basics. You have to have the foundation done before you move onto harder things like honorifics... Like sentence structure and basic word endings. I have to get these done or else I will be very behind in my Korean class... I care I really care. Now I just have to practice my ass off speaking and memorizing sentences and sentence structure. And learn the sentence endings like 해요 and other basic endings. I know 해요 means 하다 that means to do. 하다 is the dictionary form of the verb ending so you have to change it into something that means present, past, or future... And I have to learn more words and phrases.... Knowing some phrases is better than knowing none. Thank you for reading my blog... Speak and get some friends that know your foreign language... Like a native speaker as your friend so they can help you and so you can help them. Thank you.