What do you guys do after a hard work day? Do you sleep and eat and eat again... Or are you doing something very productive that may get you out of work. This may be a controversial question but I want this question answered by comments on this blog. I don't think do the same thing after work is healthy for you. You have to break the cycles of circles going round and round. You have to make the circles to into a car wheel driving somewhere that you have never been. Or create a blog online or sell stuff online for extra money around your house or apartment. If you are couch surfing "My dream"... You should earn extra money for yourself and don't pay the rent and instead just do the dishes and chores for whoever you are staying with. Yea break the circle into something that the circle can turn into something that can make you happy not bored and tired of doing the same thing all of the time...
I like the part "driving somewhere that you have never been." Everyday, we should try to reach something/somewhere we have never been or known.