
Monday, April 26, 2010

Lec/ MIT 6.00 introduction to computer science programming, Fall 2008

1. Computational thinking.
2. You will be able to write and read code.
3. Understand abilities and limits.
4. Trying to make you think like a computer scientist.
5. Make your computer do the thing that you want it to do.
6. What is computation.
7. Declarative/imperative/ What is reputation.
8. A calculator is a fixed computer because it does a certain thing.
9. Stored program computer you can provide a sequence of instructions.
10. A Stored program computer can do everything.
11. The memory is connected to the control unit and ALU
12. You can make new code so you can do more things.
13. A program has a recipe.
14. A good programmer that can program everything.
15. With 6 primitives you can program everything you want.
16. They are hundreds of program languages.
17. There is no best language, Some are better than different programs.
18. You have to know how to use python.
19. You have to know if you are learning a high level or a low level language.
20. Python is a high level language.
21. What is the legal expressions in this language.
22. What programs are meaningful.
23. What is the meaning of the code.
24. Python /Lot’s of help.
25. You have to have a set of operations.

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