
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sebastian Seung: I am my connectome

1. We live in a remarkable time.
2. Peoples DNA is slightly different, People has brown, blue, and grey eyes.
3. Genes can give us scary dieses and also give us our personality.
4. I am more than my Genes
5. I am my connectome.
6. Our brain contains 100,000,000,000 neurons
7. Maybe your memories are stored in your brain’s neurons.
8. Finding a Worm connectome took lot’s of years and labor.
9. Neurons look’s like trees.
10. How are the brain’s of men and woman are different.
11. Girls say everything with your memory, Boy’s keep everything in a Waffle.
12. One neuron can connect to a other and to a other.
13. People said to Sebastian just give up because you can’t really study Neurons.
14. He feels Wonder, and despair.
15. Someday a fleet of micro scopes will see everything.
16. Finding on connectome will take tons of days, hours, even years.
17. When you groaned during childhood/ Every connectome changes during time.
18. Neuro activity is mental experiences that changes your connectome.
19. Neuro activity is changing really fast.
20. It’s true that the stream beds controls the water/ But the water changes the stream bed.

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