
Monday, May 2, 2011

I really want 2 earn more money.

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about what I really want. Do you know what I want? I want tons of money to spend on stuff that I don't need. I wanna get a lot of things but what happens all your dreams come true. I think when it comes true you will feel like what should I have now so you have to buy the latest gear and furniture and houses. I don't know I am just a 12 year old. Most of the time I can' t even concentrate on stuff. It seems like the only thing I am good at is video games and I am not even that good yet and that's really embarrassing because I played xbox for like 6 and a half years of my life now. I guess it's okay because I started when I was young so I have a xbox 360 right now and I gave away my xbox halo edition xbox. But I have the MW2 xbox 360 that is really great if you ask me. Also I think it's kind of a waste of money to buy the new xbox 360 slim xbox when you have the old one because it's like exactly the same when you play it. Xbox 360 should make a new controller that slimmer because it feels like that the controller is fat. See this is what happens if you get everything you want when you get everything you want you just get spoiled and always want more because you are not amused by your product anymore. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice daty.

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