
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What I think the Apple Company should do.

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to give some ideas that the Apple Company should hear. The first one is that expand your models of ipods, ipads, macbooks, and imacs. This is going to be great because a lot of people have different flavors of computers that they like so make new models of the ipods to. Come on you can do better then the ipod nano 6g, Make two models are for different  uses. I am just saying if you are going to expand the Apple products you have to start from what I said. Also make these computers cheaper come on. Get one down to 700 bucks or something. For Example ipod nano 6g for workout and ipod nano 5g upgradeable to 32GB is for play, roadtrips ect. If you read this think about.

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