
Thursday, December 1, 2011

The stuff I need for my future Canon 5D Mark II.

Hello everyone. Today I am going to talk about what I need for my Canon 5D Mark II. I need tons of practical stuff. Like battery's, and the essentials. The camera does come with a lens, but it doesn't come with a CF card ( Compact Flash ). You need a certain type of memory card to make a high end camera that uses CF cards operational. If you have too slow of a memory card, it will not function correctly. What I absolutely need, when I buy my camera, is a Square-trade warranty and a CF card that is high speed. This CF card will be a Sandisk, because people all around the world trust Sandisk. Do you know that story when someone found the Canon 1000D underwater for a year. They most likely had a Sandisk memory card in there. This is the card I want( This is a really good memory card that meets that standards of HD 1080P video recording and continuous burst. Also I need a battery grip, and a power AC-DC outlet so that my battery life doesn't deplete at a crucial moment at an event. This is not on my top priority. I am going to get this I estimate 2012 after Christmas. This is a really expensive camera because of it's full frame sensor, and tons of cinematographer options. This camera is used for both photo, and video. But first, I have to focus on the Square-trade warranty and the CF memory card, so I can actually shoot the camera. Also, another crucial crucial thing I need is a CF card reader for my mac so I can transfer my data from my CF card to the computer itself. This is top priority here. This is a link of a highly ranked card reader. ( ). I need CF card, warranty, and card reader to transfer data from the CF memory card to the computer itself. If any of my family members are reading this... This is an investment for my future and experiences. This camera has been used in Captain America, House, Black Swan, and SNL. Here's a link to this website. ( ). You will be surprised at what you will see! This is like a 4000 dollar project just for getting the essentials, but believe me that this is worth it. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

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