
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Install the BetterPrivacy add-on on Firefox.

If you don't have Firefox for this add-on, I feel bad for you. This add-on drastically improved my Flash Player media performance. I used to wait two minutes for a 1080P video to buffer and sometimes it didn't even buffer. This add-on is the second best add-on in my opinion because it gets rid of lots of LSOs.Wikipedia has a page on these objects. Here's the information about LSOs "Link. LSO stands for Local shared object. It's practically cache from the Flash Player that doesn't get deleted from your Firefox cookie settings. On the (Wikipedia Page on LSOs) is has been said that "local shared objects can be used by web sites to collect information on how people navigate those web sites even if people believe that they have restricted the data collection.

If you install this add-on and your computer is more than 2 years old or even a year old computer, you will have lots of LSO's that add-on can remove for you. I have a promise that it will be safe and will increase your Flash Player performance by a lot if you don't have the latest computer specs. Download BetterPrivacy so you can protect your data and get better performance. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. Personally I think its safe because its just getting rid of super cookies that most people never heard about, because people think they remove all the important cookies from their browser settings. Another name for LSO is flash cookies.

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