My name is Sebastian. This is my blog, and I enjoy learning stuff. I really enjoy learning editing and other skills like photography, and cinematography. This blog is about me talking about stuff, that is going through my mind.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Animals crossing city folk review.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Animals crossing city folk. The animals crossing series is just great games because they are perfect in every way and if you don't have this game I recommend you get it for your children or for a parent. This game is very amusing just by decorating your house and earning stuff to make your toon better. Animals crossing city folk has a city that you can take a bus to after you are done with Tom nook's jobs and meet most of the toons there. They have, DR, the fortune teller, Shampoodle, Reed, and also much more features you have to take a look at. In this game you can transfer your toon from the DS to the Wii but all your items and money would be lost also you fancy house but you will still have the Catalog to buy stuff from. Also it's going to be harder for me to earn fruits because I don't have any friends on Wii that would trade fruits with me. You only get one kind of fruit tree per town and I got some orange trees. The town have a second floor down so double the fish plus double the weeds. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about GTA Chinatown wars what I think about the game. This game is absolutely great because it's so amusing to steels cars with the touch screen and throw bombs at cars, This game is never ending fun for on the go like road trips for example. Sometimes when you are kind of board and you stared out of the window for hours until you reminded yourself that you have brought your DSi this is the number one game for the go for Children. I am only 12 years old I think that it is not that bad as the regular GTA games that are fully based, anyway most children these days know a lot of cause words and other bad words. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
World of Warcraft got 2 new spells.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about my two more spells I learned in World of Warcraft. The first spell I got was a spell that raises your DPS by 20 percent for 10 seconds plus sometimes it heals you. Another spell I learned was a surround healing spell that heals people for 10 seconds for 10 yards and that's awesome spell because I can use that when you are killing a elite for a quest. Also I am now level 83 finally and my sister is level 82 because she was focusing for earning pet's for her collection. Pretty soon my pally will be hard to beat in battlegrounds and they are going to beg for mercy on their souls when I PWN. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, December 27, 2010
My arms are really sore right now.
Hello everybody this 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about why my arms are so sore. When I got the Wii I knew that I would be addicted to it so much that my arms are going to be sore from just dance and bowling. That's the two major games that makes me have a lot of exercise and some pain. All the pain is worth it and I am still playing the Wii but on a game that you don't get that much exercise from so I don't make my arms even more worse. Every time I take a nap my shoulders fell better, So I should take more naps and sleep more hours but it's impossible for me because I am addicted to video games and electronics because I got a electronic toy when I was young and most of the time that's all I had. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I am getting richer than ever.
Hello everybody this 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about I am getting richer than ever. This is what happened yesterday. Yesterday night accepted this quest that was really hard then I died three times and guess what I had to do to make it easier. I had to read the quest paper and they said mount of there powerful dragons and I said OMG why did I not read this nonsense. Anyway I got 1700 gold from questing and I got a my first relic, I know that's kind of embarrassing but it is my first relic plus a Prismatic gem and that's awesome. I am level 82, level 1 in the guild now, 1700 gold pieces, and some good gear. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I got a companion from one of my quest
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about what I got from a quest. yesterday I got something from a level 81 questing area and do you know what that is. It was a golden jouster pet a little bird that looks like a normal bird but it's not. I did 83 quest for that bird and that's a lot of quest for a little bird but it's awesome. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
What I did to make my sister happy.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, today I am going to talk about what I did to make my sister happy. Well I was playing video games in my sisters room and waiting for the Lunar eclipse and Winter solstice my sister was trying to sleep. I figured out that all the mouse sounds is the whole problem so I got my mouse pad out that has coins on it and put it on here desk and she was so happy when she didn't here and scratching noises. Also this mouse pad is going to help my gaming a lot because it run's smoother than it used to and that's a other advantage too. Also hope me good luck that I get awesome presents, I know we are getting a Wii but for personal gifts. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, December 20, 2010
I can't wait until Christmas!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Christmas. I can't wait until Christmas because of the nice Christmas tree and the nice food, It's going to be a epic Christmas when we open presents after church. My mum said that my mom did that all the time so it's a good idea. We want to try to open presents earlier than opening presents at 6 PM in the afternoon because I don't really have patience. I am going to try to convince my dad to open present at midnight but I think that he's to tired and old to wake up. Before Christmas we go to church and sing songs but most of the time I just mimic the songs because I don't like following the book. Most of the time I can't hear the speaker because a whole bunch of people are over at the church. I still have to buy my sister some cookies because she just want some Keebler mint cookies. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I am finally over 80
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Over level 80. I went to the new area and I loved the questing area because it gave so much better gear that I was really shocked. I am now level 81 same as my sister so we are tied with levels. But my sister would still PWN me. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
I am level 80 on World of Warcraft
I am finally level 80 on World of Warcraft, It used to be cool when you are level 80 but it's not now because you have to gain 5 more levels. It's going to take a while for me to gain 5 levels because I don't like the new quest areas. It's more boring then the Borean Tundra. That's all I have to say today.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Team fortress 2 is very amusing.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Team fortress 2 why it's so amusing. This game is one of the best games on the computer I every played except World of Warcraft. It's still a great game to play when you have a urge you want to kill someone, If you are under stress you have to play this game because this game is only 30 dollars and you get a really big package deal. It's a lot cheaper than World of Warcraft because it's 15 dollars a month and that's kind of out outrageous. I guess it's okay it's a lot of money because it's a great game with never ending fun so you can't get bored. I think that Team Fortress 2 is very good 3 out of 5 for a computer game. World of warcraft is 4 and a half at my standards. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
My facebook got deleted again
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about my facebook got deleted again. I hate facebook what they did to me. They gave me a lot of pain because deleted my account again because I didn't give enough information and that's like really ridiculous and sad. I made a new facebook and it's not the same because all my games I played like Bejeweled didn't save all the levels I gained. Plus I had to add all my friends again. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Our country is getting spoiled.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about our country. Do you know why we are getting spoiled in this country? It's all because of the latest gear, department stores, and the Internet. When a kid comes with their mom and comes with them to department stores they are figuring out slowly that all the good stuff is their and not at there house. When they figure out that fact they have to ask for stuff. Plus when a kid figures out about the internet they find store deals online and see what does that item do. The the little kids ask for stuff that they don't even know what it is until they get and try it. That's how it repeats. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
What I did to improve video camera image Quality
Yesterday I was about to make a new video without a new background, Then I figured why do I need a pink background let's just use printer paper to improve the quality. Quality is very important because more people watch if it's good looking and in HD, I also clean my lens of my camera every single time I use it so no one just see dust. I am so glad that I put some papers on the wall to make it look more Professional because it actually looks very nice. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Faster helicopters
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about faster helicopters. What I read in Popular Science is that they found some helicopters that are faster than the default fastest helicopters out there and I said that's great. We need fast Helicopters because we need to rescue fisherman and other stranded people that are stuck. Every second counts of living or dieing, One day they will have faster rescue helicopters that can rescue people faster and everybody happy. But the bad thing is that if you have a fast helicopter you have to really try to find stranded people but going slower because it just might be a flash of nothing appearing in the water. I know if they have machines that get all the coordinates and that would be good. The real future is coming but we don't know what's going to attack us.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
We got Cataclysm(YAY)!
Hello everybody, Today I am going to talk about we got Cataclysm. We finally got the extension pack so we can come back and upgrade my toon. My toon is level 78 right now so I have to gain 7 levels to cap it to the max. Plus I can learn the new profession archeology. It's going to be great when I play at night, I am going to play until 3 in the morning if I have to so watch out. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wrapping presents today!
Hello everybody this 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Wrapping presents today. Today I think we are going to wrap like a little bit of presents. We only have about 5 presents to wrap, Wii remote, Wii console, Wii nunchuck, and the Just Dance game. We spent 2 dollars on Christmas wrapping paper because at Dollar Tree they didn't really have really good wrapping paper so we just chosen the best 2 wrapping papers. It's going to be fun to review my wrapping skills from last year to now, I am excited to wrap presents for the presents to make people have fun. If you read this my sister bring your presents so we can wrap them.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The first mature game on the Nintendo gaming system.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about the first rated mature game on DSi. Most of everyone that has a Nintendo DS doesn't know about they have a mature game that came out a year ago. Guess what is it, It is GTA on the Nintendo DS system. That was a total surprise that they had GTA on DS so you can play on the go. I saw youtube reviews and they rate this game outstanding for a DS game. It's like another Animals Crossing Wild World but a little bit more violent. This game packs in a lot of cool stuff by making grenades and buying lottery tickets. Some of the full games on the console don't allow all this cool features that the GTA Chinatown wars has to offer. Everybody says this game is like 4 and a half out a 5, It is a must have game. I think it is true because I am a GTA fan too and most people love this game. I think it's going to run me 20 dollars or more. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
My dad need's to buy Cataclysm
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about my dad need's to buy Cataclysm. Yesterday Cataclysm came out and I was so excited to get the game, but I didn't get the game. I know it's to much to ask but Cataclysm is awesome because you can make a Goblin or a Worgen, I know the Worgen is as good as a Goblin but it will do with a new chain of quest and story lines. My goal is when I make my toon level 80 I have to get the game because then I can turn 85 and be maxed out with my purple gear and ton's of money. I think a lot of people give their level 80's 5 levels so they can be level 85 in no time. That's kind of wrong like the CODBO has prestige's but people hack it. So the five levels is like nothing, but if you earn all the experience it will take forever to be level 85. Me and my sister already paid for this extension so we just have to wait. Thank you for reading my blog nad have a nice day.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Cataclysm. Today is Dec 7, 2010 and it's a great day to get Cataclysm to play as Goblins and Worgens. Today I am not really getting Cataclysm because my mom can't afford and so I can wait for a little bit. Anyway I play more Call of duty Black Ops instead of World of Warcraft so that doesn't really matter to me. I do really want Cataclysm but I just have to wait. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, December 6, 2010
World of Warcraft getting some money
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about having a lot of money in World of Warcraft. When I first started World of Warcraft I used to beg for money and do lot's of dungeons but now it's the complete opposite. I am earning tons of money because of doing quest, trading, and dungeons. Dungeons is my last resort when I am bored and need more items for my level. Right now I am level 77 in World of Warcraft and Cataclysm is coming out tomorrow! I hope that dad buys it because me and my sister already gave money dad and he owes us. You have to get Cataclysm when it comes out because you just have to and plus you will be behind. Also I am glad it snowed on the weekend because it covers up all the ugly sidewalks. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, December 3, 2010
I got Call of Duty Black Ops.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Call of Duty Black Ops. Call of Duty Black Ops is so much better than MW2 because the mulitplayer is more customizable than MW2. Like you can customize your red dot sights and your Character and the Campaign is awesome. CDBO has the zombie mode back and that's awesome to have in the game because I love killing zombies online. CDBO has new weopons and perks plus more killstreaks. The bad thing is that they got rid of the Tactical nuke and that's a awesome thing to earn on your emblems. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Keebler's point of view
Hello everybody this is Keebler, Just rub my tummy and give me kisses. Can you please give me some turkey oh yea it's not thanksgiving anymore, you have to take me outside for a walk and going bathroom. Please don't play video games because you don't pet me when you are playing videos games Sebastian and Teressa. Please play with me and make me wag my tail, It will make me totally happy when I wag my tail. Also give me some breakfast sunny side up. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I should really get Call of Duty Black ops.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, today I am going to talk about Call of Duty Black ops. I really need Call of Duty Black ops because every xbox live friend has the new Call of Duty game and I don't. I feel retarded that I can't play with my friends because I don't have the game. I think I only have 60 dollars all together because I went Christmas shopping for the family, remember I bought a Wii remote and a Wii nunchuck. I spent a lot of my own money for Christmas shopping so I don't have that much money left. I wish I can do adsense on my videos because I want to earn money just by viewing advertisements. If you get views you get 10 cents per person and that's a good deal, I still have the offer on my video because I got a lot of views on it. I can't sign up a saving account the adsense you need a credit card. I just with that I can just earn money that. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
What my plan is for Christmas day.
Christmas the best day of the year, do you know why it is the best day of the year? It's because Santa is coming to town to bring joy to this big unhappy house, this house needs some more positive energy to make it a fun day on Christmas. Santa is making a difference by making my everybody in our family come join one family table, the kitchen table! It is also important to have manner like, can you please pass over the carrots and the person who passes over the carrots says sure. By having family, friends, and manners we can have a really nice Christmas. .If family that reads this automatically have to use their manners at the table and not using a couch for eating on. Once in our lives we have to be kind of formal instead of just being couch potatoes, I rather be a table potato. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, November 29, 2010
I am almost level 80 in World of Warcraft!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, today I am going to talk about being almost level 80 in World of Warcraft. When we got back World of Warcraft on Blackfriday I was so happy that day because now I can work on my toon. I gained 2 levels when we had 4 days of from school and also I earned decent gold from questing and items. My sister gained about 5 levels on the weekend, Also now I can play with my sisters and have more fun! World of Warcraft is a lot of money per month but it's worth it, I know it's worth it because you can play as much as you want for one price. It cost 180 dollars for World of Warcraft every year, that's a big investment at my age because I don't have that money to spend or a well paying job. If you read this dad please tell mom to buy World of Warcraft Cataclysm because me and my sister already payed for it, Thank you.
I miss our 4 day weekend.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about I miss thanksgiving. Do you know why I miss thanksgiving? It's because you get good food and family together, is that all that matters family? Family is the number 1 most best thing about thanksgiving because family makes it fun, Also you can also play the Wii with you family. Also on Blackfriday we bought a Wii, 1 game, Wii remote, and a Wii nunchuck. We bought that after Thanksgiving and that was fun to because we woke up early in the morning and shopped for a hour or two. We are going to have a fun time using our Wii on Christmas because I love Wii resorts and Wii sports that come with the console. We decided to buy a black Wii instead of a red Wii because black matches with the other consoles. Do you know what I miss the most? I miss the 4 day weekend of friends and family. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Should I make a unboxing video about the Wii one Christmas
Today I am going to talk about should I make a video about a Wii unboxing on Christmas? My sister keeps saying do not make a unboxing video about the Wii because she wants to play right away. I think I should make a video because I will get a lot of views and plus a lot of good comments. Anyway it's fun to make a video on Christmas because it's like online memories. So I am going to make a video about that on Christmas. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
We got World of Warcraft back
When we went to Black Friday shopping my sister bought World of Warcraft subscription cards. Today I had fun playing World of Warcraft because I got a singing sunflower and plus I gained a level. That's what I did today on World of Warcraft. My sister is playing World of Warcraft like a addict that's all I have to say today. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black Friday is so fun!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Black Friday is fun. Today we woke up 4 in the morning and went to Brookfield square. Then we waited in line at Gamestop to get the something over there, ( Like a Wii ). My mom bought the Wii, Teressa bought the World of Warcraft subscription cards, and I bought a Wii remote and a nunchuck. That was really fun. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Why I love winter?
I am going to talk about why I love winter. My favorite things about winter are snow, food, family and friends, and Christmas. I hope you really enjoy this essay.
Do you know why snow is so important? It’s because you can make snow forts. Snow forts are the number one things to do in the winter. I just use garbage cans to make the snow forts that simply. Also another thing that is fun is the snowball fight, for snowball fights you need forts to hide and attack. My most favorite thing about winter is about he snow is the ice, my sister and I pretend that the ice is a jewel that we can make stuff out of.
When we come back from playing in the snow we have some hot food to eat. Also when you eat the yummy food like mashed potatoes and cooked carrots you feel so good after you just like sleeping.
My sister and I also sleep by the Christmas tree sometimes and it’s so colorful. I love when all my family and friends come over and enjoy our house; they just love to come into a big and warm house. Plus the presents, don’t get started with the presents because I just love giving presents to people and surprising them. The food is just great on Christmas day because my mom make’s the best feast.
All I talked about in the essay is the snow, food, and Christmas. I hope everybody has a Happy Christmas.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I am going to start trading Pokemon cards!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about I am going to start trading Pokemon cards. People said to me that trading Pokemon cards is fun because you get a little package in the mail. So I am thinking to start trading, I have some much Pokemon cards to trade. My Pokemon cards are in Mint condition because I hold my Pokemon cards on the sides because I don't want any finger prints on it. Plus I keep my Pokemon cards in a Ultra card protector binder. I think I have about 2000 Pokemon cards by opening packs, Also I should just open Pokemon cards of camera because I have to practice a trick to open the Pokemon packs. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Can't wait until I get Black Ops.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about getting Black Ops. My mom owes me 60 dollars and now she has to pay me! That means that I might get Black Ops this week, It would be great If I had that game because that game is a best seller right now. If I have a MW2 xbox 360 I have to get the next Call of Duty game. Family members that read this, Please support me by giving me money so I can Christmas shop for everybody. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Going to buy some presents.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to buy some presents. My parents are buying us a Wii for the family and I have a plan to commit some money for the Wii. I think I will buy a other controller, and some games. I think that's a good plan for the Wii, I might buy 5 games. I am going to try to find a good deal at Best Buy on the games. This Black Friday is a opportunity to shop until you drop, Black Friday is fun because you wake up really early and buy. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I can't wait until we get a Wii!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games here, today I am going to talk about getting a Wii. A Wii a Nintendo console that is amazing because it is the second kind of console out their for Nintendo. Wii is one of the best consoles out there, I know it's the best family console and also you can get some exercise. I am trying to say that a Wii for Me and Teressa and also the family can have fun together if we get a Wii. I am also going to commit some money to get some Wii remotes and stuff. All I am trying to say is that I get only a Wii from my parents I would be one happy child. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I want to get Call of Duty Black Ops.
Call of Duty Black Ops, I really want this game! You might think that this game is really violent but I don't think it is. Do you know why I want this game, it's because I got the MW2 edition Xbox 360. The Xbox 360 came with one of the Call of Duty game series, Call of Duty is one of my top games on Xbox 360 because I just know it is plus it got a good grade. Maybe I should wait until Christmas because it's really to expensive. All I am trying to say is that I really need this game because I feel like I am out of date. That's all for today/
Friday, November 19, 2010
Why I am so happy today!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about why I am so happy today. Today something special happened on Youtube, This kid from Singapore made a video about me because I subscribed to him. I just want to say thank you to this kid from Singapore because it makes me more motivated about making more HD videos about Pokemon. People that are nice to me makes me motivated to make more videos because that's how it goes. If people don't like your stuff like a long time ago, Like they didn't like my name but now they like my name, channel, and videos. Whoever has a Youtube account and makes videos, just keep trying. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Can't afford World of Warcraft!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about I can't afford to pay the World of Warcraft bill. 2 months ago I got Halo Reach and also a tripod, The bad thing now is that I don't have a job or money in my wallet. I don't really want to use my money in my bank account Because I want to keep the money in there so I can spend it on Christmas shopping for the family. I am planning to buy my sister a Wii console so we can have some family games in the house. I am hoping when it's Christmas time I will get World of Warcraft prepaid cards and some Pokemon card packs. I want the pokemon card packs because I want to make a unboxing video. Would it be awesome if I had a video of unboxing 10 packs in a row! I don't know what I am going to get and plus more chances for rare cards. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I can't wait until Cataclysm!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about I can't wait until Cataclysm. You know my favorite game on the computer is World of Warcraft and I know World of Warcraft is the best online game ever created, but now it's even getting better. Cataclysm the extension pack, World of Warcraft is going to change a lot because some places changes. All the Major city's are going to have a makeover and it's going to be a lot better, Plus new toons the Worgens and the Goblins. I wish the Goblins were on the Alliance because they can do a lot more cool stuff then the Worgens. The Worgens have a good Story line because you start out as a human and you turn into a Worgen, That is pretty cool. The reason why I am not playing World of Warcraft is because I don't have enough money because it's like 15 dollars a month and that's a lot of money for me because I don't even have a job right now. My sister is staying home for the 3RD day and that's fun for me because I can play with my sister earlier than usual. Me and my Sister just play Nintendo and it's totally cool. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Getting a cold from a family member
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about having a cold today. When I first woke up I had a sort throat and it was really bad because when you have a sort throat you sneeze a lot and you feel like sleeping all day long. I wish to everybody in my family to stop making me sick because it feels awful and I still have to do homework and it sucks. My sister stayed home for 2 days and that's plenty of time to get me sick. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, November 15, 2010
I am really loving my DSi
My DSi is a life saver because you can take it along long trips and on the bus, The games on the DSi is just great because it just is, You know that my favorite game is Pokemon Soul silver and nothing can beat that except the Black version. I think the Black version will not include a Poke walker like the Pokemon Heartgold and the Soulsilver it might include something else but I don't know what yet. I wonder what will be the story line of Pokemon black. Also I want to buy Call of duty black ops because that game is so fun that you can't stop playing it. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
We got some heat!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about we having heat in our big house. I forgot when we got the heat because it feels like home now. I am not used to the heat because it seems like it's to hot for me because I am used to the cold weather and I like being outside out in the cold. Only one Radiator is broken, the one that we didn't replace, My sisters bedroom. My sister is kind of mad now because the workers have to come back and work on it, and plus my Grandma's room has to get the Radiator replaced because my sister needs a smaller Radiator that is smaller that can fit in a corner. I know I said my Grandmas room but it's really my room, My dad said that she is going to move out at the end of the month. Hopefully it works out because I need a room to myself because normal children in America at least most people have their own room. It would be nice just sleeping by myself then sleeping by someone else. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Grand Theft Auto best game I ever played on xbox 360?
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about my favorite game on Xbox 360 right now. I love Grand Theft auto because the questing is so amusing because they say swear words in a funny way, and also it's amusing to steal cars from people that are getting arrested. In Grand Theft Auto you get money fast because of the rich drug people in Grand Theft Auto wants me to do stuff for them so they don't have to do it. Also you get pretty awesome rewards and stuff. Everything else in the game is just perfect too because of the Graphics and the storyline and the people, Most of everybody looks different. Also tell my dad that Grand Theft Auto is a okay game to play because my sister bought it for me for Christmas so it has to be good. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
We almost have the heat in our house!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about We almost have the heat in our house. In our house it's pretty warm because of global warming but in December it's going to get cold because it's going to snow and the cold from the snow is going to creep into the windows and to the house. That's why we have to have heat because we don't have to wear winter jackets during the winter in our house. And also If you bake food in the house and leave it in the cold the food will get really cold fast before everybody eats. That's the top reasons that we should have heat in our house. I think is going to take 2 more days to finish the heat because like all of the Radiators are installed and also the piping downstairs is already installed. But they have to hook up the boiler with a water source. And also when we get our heat in our house the basement will be hot to because the pipes are going to leak out heat. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I love my DSi!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about loving my DSi. My DSi is really important to me because my sister got it for me for my Birthday, My sister was so nice that day because I was away for a week. I think when I am gone from the house she feels happier because I guess I just give her a lot of stress. Well that was the best gift she ever gave me. Maybe for Christmas I will get Teressa a Wii for 200 dollars and that will be the ultimate gift too. I would feel like a angle if I give Teressa a Wii like Teressa still does.
I don't know what I wanna be when I grow up?
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, I know everybody knows what they are going to be when they grow up but I don't. In this World I don't know what my job or Career is going to be because they have so many jobs to choose from. Anything can happen to you like you might be a manager of Target and get plenty of money and benefits. Or can work at a Mcdonalds or BurgerKing. Every job is different in many ways and it's very hard to choose from. I think if I keep living I will find a job that's just for me. Some people have different personalities for jobs like if you work at a bank you have to be nice, If you work at a Lumber place you can act like a man can act. Maybe I am being so Stereotypical but I think that is how it works. Also It depends on the area you work at. I kind of feel bad that I don't have a dream job or Career but I will figure it out one day.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Emily Pilloton: Teaching Design For Change
Emily is talking about Public Education around her hometown. She lives in Bertie County: Virginia.
out of 3 Children living in Poverty.
They jobs are agricultural: They Mostly sell cotton, Tobacco, Peanuts.
The Biggest Employer is the Purdue Chicken processing plant.
Windsor is home to 2,000 people it’s a small town.
In Windsor the building are not in use or they need repairing.
There is no Walmart, Internet Café, and Or Coffee shop.
Windsor is 60 percent African American.
Most of the White people go to a private school like the Laurence Academy.
The Public schools is about 86 percent African American.
There is no pool of qualified teachers that can teach in Public schools.
Only 8 Percent of the County has a Bachelors Degree.
There’s not a Legacy of the pride of Education.
Only 27 percent of the 3RD – 8Th Graders in Bertie County pass Their End of Grade Exams.
Dr. Z was brought in October of 2007 to be a Super attendant to fix the broken school System.
He started one of the first Charter schools in the US.
That’s why she lives where he lives.
Dr. Z invited Private H design a non Profit group.
She is a Partner with Dr. Z
The group has a certain design Process.
Project H Design
Design through action
Design with, not for.
Design systems, not stuff.
Document, share, and measure
Start locally, and scale globally.
out of 3 Children living in Poverty.
They jobs are agricultural: They Mostly sell cotton, Tobacco, Peanuts.
The Biggest Employer is the Purdue Chicken processing plant.
Windsor is home to 2,000 people it’s a small town.
In Windsor the building are not in use or they need repairing.
There is no Walmart, Internet Café, and Or Coffee shop.
Windsor is 60 percent African American.
Most of the White people go to a private school like the Laurence Academy.
The Public schools is about 86 percent African American.
There is no pool of qualified teachers that can teach in Public schools.
Only 8 Percent of the County has a Bachelors Degree.
There’s not a Legacy of the pride of Education.
Only 27 percent of the 3RD – 8Th Graders in Bertie County pass Their End of Grade Exams.
Dr. Z was brought in October of 2007 to be a Super attendant to fix the broken school System.
He started one of the first Charter schools in the US.
That’s why she lives where he lives.
Dr. Z invited Private H design a non Profit group.
She is a Partner with Dr. Z
The group has a certain design Process.
Project H Design
Design through action
Design with, not for.
Design systems, not stuff.
Document, share, and measure
Start locally, and scale globally.
Monday, November 8, 2010
What is my favorite game on the Nintendo DSI?
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about my favorite game on the Nintendo DSI. The best thing about the Nintendo is that it's on the go so you can play games whenever you want to and plus it has a MP3 player to so you can listen to your music. Anyway my favorite game on the Nintendo is Pokemon Soulsilver, I know most people don't like Pokemon But I do. I like Pokemon because it's needs so much art to make Pokemon cards and it's very awesome if you got a cool looking card. Most of the awesome cards are rare because the rare Pokemon cards are Dynamic. Same thing with the Soulsilver game, The Soulsilver game has very nice Graphics and it has really nice storyline. The best Part about the game is that you can collect Pokemon that most people don't have and that's cool if you have a certain Pokemon in a game. I also Like the Trading online because you can trade in any Pokemon for a certain Kind of Pokemon you want. Most of the pokemon on the market is Chinese pokemon that the names are not replaceable. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Grand Theft Auto Multiplayer review
The Grand Theft Auto online game review, I think this game is fantastic because the online Multiplayer is like the campaign because it's like as good as the Campaign or better because I feel like I am on a team to kill the other bad guys. I can tell why this game got a 10 out of 10, This is like better than every game than I seen except Halo reach and MW2. Grand Theft Auto is like my 3RD best game I ever played. Also keep up with my videos at because my pokemon video's are really good. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
I am getting addicted to Grand Theft Auto
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, When I got Grand theft Auto I didn't really appreciate because my brain wasn't developed because I didn't like games that have a lot of realism in the games back in the day. Now I am getting addicted to Grand Theft Auto because the graphics great and the Whole game is great, I don't know how you get Online multiplayer because I thought you had to buy it. If I did buy it I think it's going to be worth is because it's like going to be the game but with other people and that's funner because it's like making a society in games. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Going to try harder on my youtube account.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about trying to improve my youtube page. My youtube page can be better and my videos can also be better, So I might upgrade it a bit by putting new text on the description and a new background and videos that are 720PX. The one's that I am putting up is like 360PX and my camera is 720PX. I figured out the whole problem why didn't turn into HD, It's because you had to transfer it to quicktime then put best quality. I might need to add some more tags and better titles on my videos because my videos are not getting that much views, I only have 140,000 views all together and that's not that much to me because people have millions of views and it's cool to have a lot more than a 100,000. I should change my text color and my background and also try to share my channel to more people. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
What I want for Christmas
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about what I want for Christmas this year. Today is November, 4, 2010 and it's pretty close to Christmas, A lot of cool things came out this year like the robot vacuum cleaner that cleans your house without programming it. Maybe you have to program the robot a little like what time and day it should vacuum. This type of vacuum is 400 dollars on the market, if it was cheaper I would buy that for my mom because most of the time she doesn't vacuum. Also our family wants a new Christmas tree because during the move the tree got sat on and it looks like a wreck. Also I want to get World of Warcraft game cards so I don't have to pay for a year because World of Warcraft is really expensive! It's kind of ridiculous how expensive World of Warcraft is but it is really worth it. This might sound lame but I want to get camera lens cleaner so I can clean my 720PX HD camera that cost 250 dollars and make the lens perfect every time I use it. Also I want to get some Pokemon Card packs for my unboxing videos that would be sweet if I got 10 packs or something like that. Another thing that I want for Christmas is really nice wrapping paper so the presents look very pretty and stylish. For food I want a nice meal on the table full with food from the top to bottom to corner to corner I mean a lot of food. I want the Christmas tree in the Parlor so I just sleep by the fake Christmas tree that we are going to buy and Wait for Christmas morning. I want my dad to give me money for Christmas shopping, I used to have a little stash and now I only have a little bit of money. I want our house to be cleanly painted and clean because I don't like the paint in our house. It's just plain white and it shows a lot of dirt. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Shimon Steinberg: Natural pest control… Using bugs! 11/1/10 8:48 AM
About this talk:
At TEDxTelAviv, Shimon Steinberg looks at the difference between pests and bugs -- and makes the case for using good bugs to fight bad bugs, avoiding chemicals in our quest for perfect produce.
1. Shimon Is a bug lover.
2. Biological Pest Control: The use of living organisms to reduce populations of noxious plant pest.
3. These bugs that Shimon said that these bugs lasted thousands and thousands of years.
4. He is going to talk about insects.
5. The predatory mite is a good spider.
6. This spider kill the bad spiders.
7. The pest – aphid.
8. This pest has a fungus that can spread on plants and make them die.
9. The Parasitic wasp.
10. The pest gives you Viral disease.
11. The minute pirate bug.
12. This kill the bad bugs.
13. A lot of people use natural pest control because it is cheaper and better.
14. He doesn’t disrupt the balance.
15. If they use natural bug control they can reduce the chemicals.
16. Biocontrol cost 250 M and Insecticides cost 2.5 B
At TEDxTelAviv, Shimon Steinberg looks at the difference between pests and bugs -- and makes the case for using good bugs to fight bad bugs, avoiding chemicals in our quest for perfect produce.
1. Shimon Is a bug lover.
2. Biological Pest Control: The use of living organisms to reduce populations of noxious plant pest.
3. These bugs that Shimon said that these bugs lasted thousands and thousands of years.
4. He is going to talk about insects.
5. The predatory mite is a good spider.
6. This spider kill the bad spiders.
7. The pest – aphid.
8. This pest has a fungus that can spread on plants and make them die.
9. The Parasitic wasp.
10. The pest gives you Viral disease.
11. The minute pirate bug.
12. This kill the bad bugs.
13. A lot of people use natural pest control because it is cheaper and better.
14. He doesn’t disrupt the balance.
15. If they use natural bug control they can reduce the chemicals.
16. Biocontrol cost 250 M and Insecticides cost 2.5 B
Friday, October 29, 2010
Our house is still frozen as ice.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about our house is still frozen as ice. These workers need to work more on our house because it is really cold and they need to get moving because our pipes might freeze. Also we only have two space heaters for two rooms and it's not enough for a big house. My sister has a space heater and the living room has a space heater. It's kind of unfair to have no room because it's called privacy. Today I fixed the router by turning it off and on for 30 secs then it works. That's the most common problem for routers that are not working. You have to power off the router for 30 secs then you are all good. I noticed the internet didn't work because the World of Warcraft didn't work and the Firefox browser didn't work and it's really redonk. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Barton Seaver: Sustainable seafood? Let’s get smart
1. Barton wants to know why they fish and they depend on the water.
2. We have to appreciate all the seafood we can get.
3. Wallet guides are useful because it tells you what kind of seafood you can eat.
4. We have to have a context and a gauge for actions.
5. You have to eat more veggies than fish.
6. Jamie Oliver is to save people how they eat. And someone else is saving the Oceans by eating less fish.
7. Green food represents us being responsible for our own bodies.
8. We can’t have a all can you eat shrimp buffet.
9. 10’s and thousands of people say that when you eat seafood you live longer.
10. Barton is a chief and they didn’t get filled of the an trays and they have to buy the appetizers.
11. Also he earned more money giving them smaller portions of food.
12. 16 OZ of fish and put it all on 4 plates and invite your friends and neighbors.
13. He was lucky that his father is a awesome cook.
14. He gets the meet sweats when he eats to much meat.
15. Your mother is right eat your vegetables.
16. They is no escaping the fact of eating something that takes energy.
2. We have to appreciate all the seafood we can get.
3. Wallet guides are useful because it tells you what kind of seafood you can eat.
4. We have to have a context and a gauge for actions.
5. You have to eat more veggies than fish.
6. Jamie Oliver is to save people how they eat. And someone else is saving the Oceans by eating less fish.
7. Green food represents us being responsible for our own bodies.
8. We can’t have a all can you eat shrimp buffet.
9. 10’s and thousands of people say that when you eat seafood you live longer.
10. Barton is a chief and they didn’t get filled of the an trays and they have to buy the appetizers.
11. Also he earned more money giving them smaller portions of food.
12. 16 OZ of fish and put it all on 4 plates and invite your friends and neighbors.
13. He was lucky that his father is a awesome cook.
14. He gets the meet sweats when he eats to much meat.
15. Your mother is right eat your vegetables.
16. They is no escaping the fact of eating something that takes energy.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tan Le: A headset that reads your brainwaves
1. We always have to give commands to machines or a series or commands.
2. Communication is far more complex with humans and far more interesting too.
3. They inspect body impressions and body movement.
4. Our vision is to make a other realm of Communication.
5. And even human computer communication
6. This task is not a easy one.
7. This task is hard because we have so much neurons.
8. When these neurons connect the reaction of the connection will be measured.
9. This is a huge challenge for pulses of your brain.
10. They have to make a device like a hair net.
11. They install this on your head with a certain kind of gell.
12. This headset only cost a couple hundred dollars and it’s better.
13. You have to use to use a program to more shapes around.
14. Evan need’s to imagine that the image is coming at him.
15. He was successful on the first task.
16. The thing is called emotetive.
2. Communication is far more complex with humans and far more interesting too.
3. They inspect body impressions and body movement.
4. Our vision is to make a other realm of Communication.
5. And even human computer communication
6. This task is not a easy one.
7. This task is hard because we have so much neurons.
8. When these neurons connect the reaction of the connection will be measured.
9. This is a huge challenge for pulses of your brain.
10. They have to make a device like a hair net.
11. They install this on your head with a certain kind of gell.
12. This headset only cost a couple hundred dollars and it’s better.
13. You have to use to use a program to more shapes around.
14. Evan need’s to imagine that the image is coming at him.
15. He was successful on the first task.
16. The thing is called emotetive.
World of Warcraft no lag?
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about no lag on World of Warcraft. Today when I logged into World of Warcraft I said OMG no lag in Dalaran? I was really surprised, I think that World of Warcraft update today fixed up a lot of problems. I think it's because of the World of Warcraft Tournaments I think so I think they had to fix it up some how. Thank you Blizzard Entertainment you made my day for once. For how much money I spent I am really happy that it's fixed now. Hopefully it stays that way. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry
1. What is the name of the book?
The name of the book is Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry.
2. Who wrote the book?
Mildered D. Taylor
3. What is the theme of this book.
The theme of this book is about racism/ Black VS White
4. What is your favorite part of the book?
When Stacey got a new coat and he gave it away.
5. What part of the book you didn't like?
When the white people were mean to the black people
6. Was the book easy to read or is it hard to understand.
7. Do you recommend this book.
8. If so why?
Because it has a Newbery medal and plus it has a good story line.
9. Why do I recommend it?
I just do.
10. If you don't recommend the book why?
I do recommend the book
11. Any other important fact you should know about the book.
Black and White people are people treat them the same way.
The name of the book is Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry.
2. Who wrote the book?
Mildered D. Taylor
3. What is the theme of this book.
The theme of this book is about racism/ Black VS White
4. What is your favorite part of the book?
When Stacey got a new coat and he gave it away.
5. What part of the book you didn't like?
When the white people were mean to the black people
6. Was the book easy to read or is it hard to understand.
7. Do you recommend this book.
8. If so why?
Because it has a Newbery medal and plus it has a good story line.
9. Why do I recommend it?
I just do.
10. If you don't recommend the book why?
I do recommend the book
11. Any other important fact you should know about the book.
Black and White people are people treat them the same way.
Cataclysm is almost here!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Cataclysm. Cataclysm is going to be awesome because they are going to have new toons, The Worgens and the Goblins. Those 2 new toons are going to be epic to play. Also when the extension comes out you can gain 5 levels. When it comes out you can be level 85, It's going to be hard to level up to level 85 because they are going to make it hard by adding extra experience points so it will be harder. I don't know how much harder it can get but I am going to think it's going to take a full day or two days to level just 1 level. When it come out and installed it I will give you a full review of Cataclysm. If you don't know what I am talking about, It is World of Warcraft. Also new places and spells get more buffed up because the Worgens and Goblins are going to be better than us so they have to make it equal to other players. Also all the major citys are going to be different because they are making Stormwind even bigger and Ironforge the same. But most of all major citys are having a big makeover. But the bad thing is when the CD comes out everybody will be playing that means more lagging that means wait time to get in the extension. I don't know how many people are going to buy this game but I know it's going to be a lot of people, or maybe all the players that play World of Warcraft will buy all the CD's. Thank you reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Trying to get rid of my Pimples.
Today I am going to talk about trying to get rid of my pimples, My Pimples are a pain to live with because every time I look in the mirror I always see a lot of pimples. For now on I am going to use my pimple medicine and be pimple free, Anyway when I use my Pimple medicine my skin feels softer on my face, I feel ultra clean that way. Also when I clean my face it feels like I am doing the right thing, The right thing is getting tons of dirt of my big face. I think it's right to train my self how to take care of my self when I am young so I don't have to need help when I am older. It's more useful to train your self well and everything that you learned will help you in the future ahead of you. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Keebler is getting more boring.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Keebler my dog. My dog just sleeps and sleeps and he can't stop, It's really sad when Keebler doesn't want to play anymore with us or we have to bring the fun to Keebler. But I am not going to do that because I rather play videos games than playing with my dog. Anyway Keebler calmed down because of his age, Keebler use to be so cute when he was really small, But now he doesn't have any black fur on his face. He used to be so cute and Playful and now he just sleeps like a geezer. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Playstation VS Xbox 360
Hello everybody, Today I am going to talk about the Playstation VS Xbox 360. The Playstation is really good to, A lot of things you can do on the Playstation 3 like watch Blueray disc and that's pretty awesome because some people just buy that for the Blueray. Another cool feature is that the Playstation Dashboard is a lot nicer than the xbox 360 dashboard because it doesn't really have that much advertisements. The Dashboard is a lot better than the xbox 360. Another thing that's good is the Graphics, The Graphics is a lot better because they have a better Graphics card. Also when you get the PS3 slim it's a lot smaller and a lot quieter than the Xbox 360. I wish the Xbox 360 was a lot quieter but what am I going to do about it. The Playstation has more Family games, Family games bring people together to have a fun time instead of those first person shooter games.
Cons: The famous games like Halo Reach and Fable and all that is not supported to be on the PS3 Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Cons: The famous games like Halo Reach and Fable and all that is not supported to be on the PS3 Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Xbox 360 VS Playstation
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Xbox 360 VS Playstaion 3. The good thing about the Xbox 360 is that it has a great selection of games, For example ( Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo ODST , Halo Reach, Gears of War, Gears of War 2. Do you get the picture, Xbox 360 has better games than the Playstation and also have better built controllers. The xbox 360 dashboard is really organized, But it does have some problems. It seems like the membership is worth paying the money for the xbox 360 because it is well built all together and most people have the Xbox 360. I am not saying that most people have the xbox 360, I am just saying most people prefer xbox 360 than Playstation 3.
Cons: The xbox 360 remote controller has some issues with the joypad because it's stiff and not that functional.
2. The xbox 360 dashboard is full of advertisements that you don't need to see!
4. The xbox 360 had big issues when it first came out/ The red ring of death, The worst thing that can happen to your Xbox 360.
Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. Also I prefer the xbox 360, Because it is just better because it has a better choice of games. Thank you!
Cons: The xbox 360 remote controller has some issues with the joypad because it's stiff and not that functional.
2. The xbox 360 dashboard is full of advertisements that you don't need to see!
4. The xbox 360 had big issues when it first came out/ The red ring of death, The worst thing that can happen to your Xbox 360.
Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. Also I prefer the xbox 360, Because it is just better because it has a better choice of games. Thank you!
Hello everybody right now, I am going to talk about PC VS Mac. Now this blog is about PC VS Mac, Let's see how it go's. The good thing about the PC is that it has more models, More models means more things that you can choose from. Guess what, you can make your own computer because you can't build your own computer with a Mac OS because Mac doesn't have that many options, The good things about making your own computer is that it's cheaper and you can Customize your computer to the max extreme custom computer. PC's also have more game selection so you can play World of Warcraft with less lagging than the Mac, I bet the PC people are LMAO because our World of Warcraft lags and there's don't. Also LMAO means Laughing my ass off. Another good thing about the PC is that you can customize your computer more, Like more advanced stuff that a Mac can't do most of the time because it is to advanced. Like setup a network is better using a PC because it is just easier. Another thing is that most computers come with better stats than the Mac and it's a lot cheaper. I think that's kind of ridiculous how expensive the Mac is. I sure wish that the Mac is a lat cheaper than it is now):.
Cons: PC has a better chance of crashing more than PC by a long shot.
2. PC's break faster
3. When PC's break faster that means you have to buy a new computer, It's better in the long run to have a Mac.
4. Macs have better programs that come with it.
5. Mac has a better Movie editing program.
Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Cons: PC has a better chance of crashing more than PC by a long shot.
2. PC's break faster
3. When PC's break faster that means you have to buy a new computer, It's better in the long run to have a Mac.
4. Macs have better programs that come with it.
5. Mac has a better Movie editing program.
Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Hello today I am going to talk about Mac VS PC, Mac VS PC is a very interesting topic. The good thing about the Mac is that it has no Crashes, and Virus, Another thing that's good about the Mac is the programs that come with it, Like imovie, iphoto, Time machine, and a lot more programs that I can't remember. The best thing about the Mac is that it like the best Graphics because it just shows all it's beauty just by a screen. Also the Unibody is awesome because it's made out of Aluminum and other metals, ( But the standard Macbook is only Plastic). The Mac's are easier to use than a PC because most people know how to use the Computer about 1 day or 2 to get used to, it's a really good computer for old people/ LOL.
Cons: The bad things about the mac is that it's expensive!, Like every new computer cost over 1,000 dollars and up.
2. Mac's don't have that much Customization options to upgrade you hardware.
3. Mac's don't have that much games as much as PC does.
4. Mac's don't have that much of choice of what kind of Keyboard you can use, ( Some PC keyboards are really supported for Mac.
5. Your online games lag/ Like World of Warcraft it really lags for Mac when it gets a new patch.
6. There is not that much programs for Mac yet.
7. The Mac superdrive is stupid because you just slide the Disc in and play, I don't like the point of sliding the Disc in, I rather have a thing that pops out to your Face! Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. ( And also I am a Mac user so I like Mac). My next blog is going to be a about PC VS Mac Thank you.
Cons: The bad things about the mac is that it's expensive!, Like every new computer cost over 1,000 dollars and up.
2. Mac's don't have that much Customization options to upgrade you hardware.
3. Mac's don't have that much games as much as PC does.
4. Mac's don't have that much of choice of what kind of Keyboard you can use, ( Some PC keyboards are really supported for Mac.
5. Your online games lag/ Like World of Warcraft it really lags for Mac when it gets a new patch.
6. There is not that much programs for Mac yet.
7. The Mac superdrive is stupid because you just slide the Disc in and play, I don't like the point of sliding the Disc in, I rather have a thing that pops out to your Face! Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. ( And also I am a Mac user so I like Mac). My next blog is going to be a about PC VS Mac Thank you.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I almost have 600 subscribers!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about my Youtube account. Right now I have 530 subscribers and I am heading towards 600 subscribers, and I also have about 140,000 thousand views and I have 435 friends. Pretty soon when I have the 600 subbs I will get 700, 800, 900, 1000. That will be really awesome to have 1,000 subscribers, This week I have to make a video because I didn't make a video in 2 weeks, and also my people need me. I am trying to hit 1,000 subscribers this year so I will have a party about that. I am going to tell my dad when I have 1,000 subscribers I am going to eat out some where with the family. I wish I can bring Keebler along but he is sadly a dog): Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Blackberry VS iphone
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Blackberry Vs iphone. I know the last blog was about the iphone now I am going to talk about the Blackberry. The blackberry is very good for texting, The major thing that the Blackberry is good at is the texting, The iphone doesn't have keys it has a touch screen. Most of the time I like the real keys than a iphone because some people don't know how to use a touch screen. It takes a long time to learn how to learn all the keystrokes on the iphone. I wish that the iphone has a different module without the touch screen. Just one iphone with a touch screen and a other with a keyboard. Another thing that's good with the Blackberry it has more video options and also it is more reliable. Most modules of the Blackberry has a lot more battery than the iphone. Some blackberry's go up to 24 hours. The Blackberry and the iphone is quite similar by the apps and all that. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. And also I think both phones are great.
iphone VS Blackberrry
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about iphone VS Blackberry. I don't know really that much about the Blackberry but I am going to do my best. The good thing about the iphone is that it is part of the Apple company and you can just connect the iphone to Itunes and it will be set. It's easy to put music,videos and all that stuff that you can put in your iphone. Another thing that's good about the iphone is the apps, The apps is like the best thing on the iphone because this phone has access to content that's very developed and fun to play. The iphone is also the phone with a really good responsive touch screen. The iphone is really durable because I saw this video that someone was tape recording by the swimming pool and dropped it in the water and it still worked. I thought that was really impressive. And a other thing is that is has a MP3 so you can listen to music when your are exercising, And a lot of things are compatible for the most apple ipods and iphones. The iphones and ipods have more chances that you can connect you ipod or iphone to a speaker. Most speakers have this jack when you plug it in the bottom of your iphone it makes it louder. The iphone has a internet browser to so you can check your email and stuff on the go!
Cons: The bad things about the iphone is that you have to have A#AT to use the iphone/ That's the Worst news. Another issue is that you have to download itunes, Some people have bad computers that can't download itunes so that's a con. Another thing is that it has short battery life, It only last 8 hours. Sometimes these phones need a lot of maintenance. Like if you dropped your iphone and it dropped really hard it will have a cracked screen or worse. Whoever that's reading this blog you have to get a iphone case because it protects the phone from harm. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Cons: The bad things about the iphone is that you have to have A#AT to use the iphone/ That's the Worst news. Another issue is that you have to download itunes, Some people have bad computers that can't download itunes so that's a con. Another thing is that it has short battery life, It only last 8 hours. Sometimes these phones need a lot of maintenance. Like if you dropped your iphone and it dropped really hard it will have a cracked screen or worse. Whoever that's reading this blog you have to get a iphone case because it protects the phone from harm. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Halo Reach Firefight Review!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Halo Reach. Halo Reach is my 1 game on xbox 360 to me because it's just perfect, But yesterday it got even more perfect. The one game mode that I never played for like 4 weeks, it's firefight. Firefight is really more funner than team slayer and all that because you get more achievements and your game really depends on team work. It's really easy to earn points so you can put more Armor on your Avatar so you can look more powerful. Do you know what I want the most. I want a blue visor, I want to save up like 50,000 points so I can buy that so I can look meaner and cooler. It's going to take a long time and effort to pull that off. I think the blue visor is the only cool visor in the whole game. The black visor is ugly if you think about it. I think pretty soon I have to pay off my World of Warcraft and my xbox 360 bill. That will add up to be like 70 dollars. That's a lot of money because I don't have any money accept that I have some money in the bank account. Not that much for gaming but it's enough to pay the game bill. Someone said to me on youtube: Update your shit???????/ I said back to him I have a imac. I commented on a youtube video about the new patch for World of Warcraft. I wish it was that easy to update my mac. Macs don't have that much upgrades so I guess that's a bad thing. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. And also please check out my channel. See you there.
Monday, October 18, 2010
I want smooth gameplay when I play World of Warcraft.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft. When I downloaded the patch 4.01 I was really mad, Everything changed in a bad way. My pally doesn't have Wisdom anymore and that's really useful for mages and all that uses a lot of mana, Also now we have holy points for the pallys and it sucks because you have to do things in order and it's just awful. If someone from the World of Warcraft Development team you have to fix all this shit that happened to World of Warcraft. It completely made everything messed up and you just have to fix it, Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The new patch 4.01 is here.
Hello everybody, this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about the new patch 4.01 on World of Warcraft. I thought this patch is going to be epic but it's not. ): I think everything changed too much because it's just weird. When I play on the new patch 4.01, it lags. Plus, they removed spells and also added new spells. It's confusing for a long World of Warcraft member because we are not used to the fact that World of Warcraft is changing. I don't know, yet, how it's going to work out, because people is not going to like all of the changes. But some of the changes are kind of nice. The graphics are better, and Dual screen monitors is now supported. Right now, most places lag for no reason. Maybe, the server restart will help the server not lag as much. From now on, I am going to save up for a i5 processor because gaming computers don't have as much lag as Mac users have. Maybe when I install Cataclysm, it's going to be all better with no lagging. But the bad thing is that when the new extension comes out, we have to wait to go online because everybody is going to play. The greater the population of players, the more lagging. I am going to try to make a difference by reporting problems that the developers need to know because they need to fix these problems right now, to the bottom and to the top. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
World of Warcraft/ My toon changed
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games here. Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft. My toon has changed during all that time I spent on my Toon, My Toon does more questing than ever before and also my Toon gained 40 levels in 3 and a half months. That's pretty good but now everything changed with school and all that stuff. If it was still summer I will be playing 24 7 but I just can't. My sister hogs the computer all the time even on the weekends. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, October 11, 2010
I am in Hydraxis/ WOW
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft. My toon finally got transferred to Hydraxis because Shadowsong just to noobie. People in Hydraxis are less noober than Shadowsong by a long shot. I couldn't pick Hydraxis because she didn't want to play on her toon, Then she got a new account. So now I can play on Hydraxis. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
World of Warcraft/ It seems?
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft. Today the topic is: I am better than World of Warcraft than I used to be). I am so much better than I used to be in World of Warcraft because I spent like 12 days on my toon. You might think that's a lot of time but it's not really that much. Maybe I am too addicted to even know how much time I play. Anyway now I know where to quest and stuff and mine and all that stuff. Right now I am in the Northrend doing quest to level up my Retpally. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
My World of Warcraft Pally is Officially Level 70!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft. Yesterday My gained a other level, Guess what level/ Level 70! I turned level 70 yesterday and I was so happy because I learned new spells and also I can do fishing daily's. It seems like when you turn to level 70 everything changes, Like when you only had to earn 665,000 experience points, Now you have to earn Millions of experience points so it's way harder to level up now. And also I can go to Wintergrasp even if I don't know what Wintergrasp is but I will look it up. When I was level 69 in a battleground I was kicking but because of my Borean tundra gear and all that stuff. Most people go to Borean Tundra when they are level 70 but I advise them that they should go when they are level 68. I don't hardly go to dungeons anymore because I just figured out that questing give's you better gear than dungeons can give you/ at least most of the time. Thank you for reading my blog and have a very nice day.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
World of Warcraft almost level 70?
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft, Yesterday I gained to levels of Borean Tundra because that's like the best place I ever went to for questing. The Questing over there is amazing because you get good gear and other awesome stuff that you want in the future. It is so worth all the time questing there because it's so interesting. The best part is that I find friends at the Borean Tundra like from Gnome to whatever, I am just saying that when you are level 68 you better go to Borean Tundra. If you don't do quest you don't get good items because if you buy swords and all that stuff from the Market Place it is not that good as the questing awards. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, October 4, 2010
World of Warcraft
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft, Do you know World of Warcraft is the best online game in the World, So guess what happened/ I leveled up. I am now level 68 and I am super happy because I upgraded my spell and plus I can do quest in the Borean Tundra and it's going to be great. I am going to get a free Toon Transfer only if I turn level 70 before Hallows end. I will probably make it so hope me luck. And also out house still doesn't have heating because we don't have enough money so we have 2 space heaters for a entire house! Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
World of Warcraft almost level 68
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about being almost level 68, When I am level 68 I am a step closer to being level 70. Do you know why I have to be level 70 before Hallows end. Because a free toon trasnfer. Is that awesome because my sister is offering me a free tranfer to a different server because I picked the nobbiest server that ever lived so. Also my Older sister wants to help me do quest and stuff and that will be great to have all the guild stuff. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Addicted to Halo Reach?
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about getting addicted to Halo Reach. Halo Reach is like my favorite xbox game because it seems like most of everything is very perfect. The Graphics is great and the Spartan customization is fantastic, Everyone gets a custom Spartan and it's super great and entertaining. The problem is about Halo Reach is that it is really addicting because I wish I could do fantasy things in real life and stuff like that. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
New Tripod
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about my new tripod. My tripod is so much better than the older Targus stand by 200./. It's a great by for 45 dollars because it go's up to 5 feet and I am like 5 foot 7 so I am okay, And also it's more heavy and more durable. I feel so dumb because I bought a tripod from Target and target sucks for camera supplies like that. Thank you for reading my blog.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I got Halo Reach
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about Halo Reach, Yesterday I was about to get Halo Reach at Target/ But they couldn't open the case. I was laughing because it's just ridiculous. After that we went to Bestbuy to get the game. When I came home I took out my old MW2 disk and put in Halo Reach, Halo Reach was amazing because you can customize your person you can look cool and you have armor ability. The armor ability is the most awesomeist thing ever because I didn't expect that would happen. Magazines gave Halo reach a 9.5 out of 10, I think that's a very good score so I bought it. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sebastian Seung: I am my connectome
1. We live in a remarkable time.
2. Peoples DNA is slightly different, People has brown, blue, and grey eyes.
3. Genes can give us scary dieses and also give us our personality.
4. I am more than my Genes
5. I am my connectome.
6. Our brain contains 100,000,000,000 neurons
7. Maybe your memories are stored in your brain’s neurons.
8. Finding a Worm connectome took lot’s of years and labor.
9. Neurons look’s like trees.
10. How are the brain’s of men and woman are different.
11. Girls say everything with your memory, Boy’s keep everything in a Waffle.
12. One neuron can connect to a other and to a other.
13. People said to Sebastian just give up because you can’t really study Neurons.
14. He feels Wonder, and despair.
15. Someday a fleet of micro scopes will see everything.
16. Finding on connectome will take tons of days, hours, even years.
17. When you groaned during childhood/ Every connectome changes during time.
18. Neuro activity is mental experiences that changes your connectome.
19. Neuro activity is changing really fast.
20. It’s true that the stream beds controls the water/ But the water changes the stream bed.
2. Peoples DNA is slightly different, People has brown, blue, and grey eyes.
3. Genes can give us scary dieses and also give us our personality.
4. I am more than my Genes
5. I am my connectome.
6. Our brain contains 100,000,000,000 neurons
7. Maybe your memories are stored in your brain’s neurons.
8. Finding a Worm connectome took lot’s of years and labor.
9. Neurons look’s like trees.
10. How are the brain’s of men and woman are different.
11. Girls say everything with your memory, Boy’s keep everything in a Waffle.
12. One neuron can connect to a other and to a other.
13. People said to Sebastian just give up because you can’t really study Neurons.
14. He feels Wonder, and despair.
15. Someday a fleet of micro scopes will see everything.
16. Finding on connectome will take tons of days, hours, even years.
17. When you groaned during childhood/ Every connectome changes during time.
18. Neuro activity is mental experiences that changes your connectome.
19. Neuro activity is changing really fast.
20. It’s true that the stream beds controls the water/ But the water changes the stream bed.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Upgrading my Jewlcrafting
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft. My Jewlcrafting needs a lot of work because it cost lot's of money. But it seems like when you get higher lever in Jewlcrafting that it's cheaper. Like the gold bars in our server is really bad like 70 silver each bar not bad. I love Jewlcrafting because you can make weapons and items to wear. Pretty soon I can make good stuff for my self. I am 130 in Jewlcrafting and in Mining I am a grandmaster 400. I see a lot of difference, So lets' see how it go's this weekend and hope me good luck. Thank you and goodbye.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
World of Warcraft weekend
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft. When I have a chance to play World of Warcraft on the weekend I will power level and earn tons of money. Do you know why I have to earn money? I have to earn money in World of Warcraft because I have to level up my jewlcrafting this weekend to Grand Master. It won't take long If I have money in my hand. Money is powerful thing in World of Warcraft and it can do anything. When I am grandmaster of jewlcrating I will be really happy and plus I get achievements. Thank you for reading my blog.
My jewlcrafting in World of Warcraft
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft is my favorite game in the world and also MW2. I have a problem in World of Warcraft, My jewlcrafting skill is so low because I quit blacksmithing and now I am Jewlcrafting. Jewlcrafting is really useful because you can make you own Gems and all that jazz. Plus you can prospect ores so you can get stuff out of it! That is so awesome. That's why I like jewlcrafting because you can prospect and sometimes you get epic gems. Thank you for reading my blog.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
World of Warcraft
Today I am going to tell about World of Warcraft, Yesterday I earned 260 gold really easy because I did 30 minutes of mining. That's worth all that time because 260 gold is really a lot of money. Right now I am trying to level up to 68 so I can do quest at this one place that my sister told me about, My sister says that you get good gear and stuff like that. I said okay when I am level 68 I will go to the northern tundra whatever it's called. Thank you for reading this blog.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
World of Warcraft Dual spec
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft. Do you know why I am talking about World of Warcraft. Because I am going to talk about World of warcraft most of the time because it is easier too talk about, Dual spec is one expensive thing to buy? 1000 gold that's a lot of money, I was so sad when I spent my 1,000 gold because that was the most I ever had. But when I figured out what it did I was super happy. You can pick out one of the tabs so you can be two things at once. Like if you want to be a healer you just change you spec then heal people that easy. Yep thank you for reading my blog.
Monday, September 20, 2010
When I am level 70 in World of Warcraft

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft. When I am level 70 everything changes by a lot. Do you know why? It's because like every single armor piece is going to be a 1000 armor plus each item. It's because I am almost level 70, When I am level 70 I am going to a place where all the levels 70's are at because I will get good gear from quest,Good gear means good game. Everything is going to be great. When I obtain 2 more mounts I get a achievement so I can get 10 achievement points. That's really good because most people don't have that achievement. When I am level 80 everything will be easier/ Earning tons of money in a hour. Right now I am 200 gold away from dual spec. Dual spec is very important because you can change you tab. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Keebler love's to eat food so he gained weight because I can tell, Do you know why our dog gained weight? He eats lots of table scraps. I am keep telling mom that you shouldn't feed the dog that much because he will have bad heath when he get's older. Our dog was really energetic yesterday because our friend came over and he touched the do and the was running like crazy, It was so funny because he almost fallen down the stairs. I am not trying to be mean about the do but when he falls of thing is funny. I think we should give Keebler a bath because he has fleas. I don't know if I have fleas so we should give Keebler a wash. Thank you for reading my blog.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Should I add addons to my World of warcraft
Hello everybody, this is 2cool4games. I am just asking if I should add addons to my World of Warcraft account. They have a addon adder for Mac called Wow Matrix, I don't really know enough about this website yet, but I will check reviews online. Or maybe, I will wait until my sister comes back. Anyway, I told you about my epic mount yesterday, and today, I am also going to talk about dual spec. Right now, I am saving up for dual spec so I can be more awesome. Dual spec is probably really useful for changing it from "holy" to "ret," back and forth, just in case you want to be a healer or something. Update: I just figured out that if you want addons, then you go to, the best website for World of Warcraft addons. I am going to ask my sister for advice.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I got my epic mount
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about my epic mount, Today I just got a epic mounts guess what it is? It is a epic tiger that increases my inventory of mounts. Pretty soon I am going to get to be level 70 then 75, 80. Can't wait until I can play with it more. Please pray for me to gain another 50,000 honor points to get another epic mount thank for reading my blog.
I am so close to a epic mount
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about what I am so close to, I almost got a epic mount everybody yay. Do you know why epic mounts are so special, Because it cost 50,000 honor points. It takes a while because people are not on and you don't get bonus points. I wish I finished it yesterday but I did stay up until 1:25. Hope me luck to get a battleground.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
We are going to get cataclysm
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today we are going to preorder cataclysm because it's going to be awesome. Me and my sister are going to shell out 20 bucks so we can by the extension for World of warcraft. It's going to be great new races, New spells, New epic mounts, ECT. If someone has world of warcraft and they are not getting the extension/ That is too bad because it going to be really fun to kill everything. I was watching youtube videos today about the beta and a lot of things has changed and Stormwind got a lot better. I thought it's going to be a world of fire or something. Some places are going to get hot lava and other places are going to get restored. On the internet they said that when you are trying to head to 85 it's going to be a pain. But is a worth getting all the cool spells. Also my friend said that the gift of naru the crappy healing spell is going to be upgraded. Thank you and goodbye.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Jesse Schell: When games invade real life
1. Jesse Schell has a studio that has about 60 people working for people.
2. He teaches in Carnegie Mellon he is trying to help the kids to be prepared for the future.
3. Jesse wrote a book about preparing for the future.
4. They have more Farmville players than Twitter accounts.
5. Jesse thinks that Facebook is overrated.
6. Clubpenguin earn tons of money of little kids that wants to dress up the penguin.
7. Guitar hero is 70 dollars for a plastic guitar and it’s going to be one of the best games of the year, Jesse said that was unexpected.
8. Clubpenguin says that Clubpenguin is free/ But it is not because if you want to get cool cloths for you penguin you have to pay real money.
9. Clubpenguin earned more than 350M dollars.
10. Webkinz is a stuffed animal that contains a virtual stuffed animal on the internet. Kids love it because it’s like two.
11. Mafia wars is a text based game that earns lot’s of money because people want to beat there friends.
12. How much time on a game that you need money for you will spend money.
13. People play games because people are trying to escape from reality.
14. Xbox achievements make you try to play more xbox.
15. We live in a bubble of fake shit.
16. Avatar is the best made movie in the world
17. Technology makes one thing only one think only.
18. iphone is only a Swiss army knife with many things in one.
19. The iphone is a whole bunch of things in one but it is a pocket item that changes everything.
20. Simpson’s had a scavenge hunt that if you find a reference in a show that you can win a prize/ Now television is a game now.
21. People released red balloons and they had a prize who found them.
22. Weight watchers is like a game because it has a point system.
23. Hybrids has a leaf game that if you save gas the leafs get more green.
24. Games are going everywhere in the world
25. People that are making games are not really experts.
26. School is a game because it has a leaderboard and stuff.
27. This person has a experience points that have a good meaning for school and make better students.
28. Technology is getting cheaper and cheaper.
28. Everybody soda can pretty soon can have CPU and tech on everybody’s soda can.
30. When you earn points you can spend points and get money off stuff.
2. He teaches in Carnegie Mellon he is trying to help the kids to be prepared for the future.
3. Jesse wrote a book about preparing for the future.
4. They have more Farmville players than Twitter accounts.
5. Jesse thinks that Facebook is overrated.
6. Clubpenguin earn tons of money of little kids that wants to dress up the penguin.
7. Guitar hero is 70 dollars for a plastic guitar and it’s going to be one of the best games of the year, Jesse said that was unexpected.
8. Clubpenguin says that Clubpenguin is free/ But it is not because if you want to get cool cloths for you penguin you have to pay real money.
9. Clubpenguin earned more than 350M dollars.
10. Webkinz is a stuffed animal that contains a virtual stuffed animal on the internet. Kids love it because it’s like two.
11. Mafia wars is a text based game that earns lot’s of money because people want to beat there friends.
12. How much time on a game that you need money for you will spend money.
13. People play games because people are trying to escape from reality.
14. Xbox achievements make you try to play more xbox.
15. We live in a bubble of fake shit.
16. Avatar is the best made movie in the world
17. Technology makes one thing only one think only.
18. iphone is only a Swiss army knife with many things in one.
19. The iphone is a whole bunch of things in one but it is a pocket item that changes everything.
20. Simpson’s had a scavenge hunt that if you find a reference in a show that you can win a prize/ Now television is a game now.
21. People released red balloons and they had a prize who found them.
22. Weight watchers is like a game because it has a point system.
23. Hybrids has a leaf game that if you save gas the leafs get more green.
24. Games are going everywhere in the world
25. People that are making games are not really experts.
26. School is a game because it has a leaderboard and stuff.
27. This person has a experience points that have a good meaning for school and make better students.
28. Technology is getting cheaper and cheaper.
28. Everybody soda can pretty soon can have CPU and tech on everybody’s soda can.
30. When you earn points you can spend points and get money off stuff.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
World of Warcraft guides
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games here. Today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft guides that I just got from my nice sister. I am so happy right now because I just got 40 dollars worth of guides that is super awesome because it tells all about World of Warcraft. Like what level group you are heading into and stuff like that, It's going to be great to read it so thank you so much to my sister. I am going to be a expert in the game of World of Warcraft you will see!.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Something wrong with the World of Warcraft game cards
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. Today I am going to talk about something that is wrong with the World of Warcraft game cards. Yesterday I was scratching my card then when I scratched the card it had smear marks. I almost didn't break out the combination to put the code in the box. Blizzard please change you card scratch of products because it doesn't come of? Please CEO change that product.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
PC or a mac
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, I am just wandering should I get a PC or a Mac for my next computer. I know mac doesn't crash as much as PC but I think I should learn how to build my own Custom Pro PC. It cost a lot cheaper then a mac and plus you can learn how to upgrade your computer if it need's more memory and stuff like that. Even my big sister know how to replace a mother board/ Why can't I? My mom says that I should wait until I am older to build my own computer/ I want to build a computer whenever when I have a chance. It's going to be a gaming desktop that use's three monitor's and the latest processor. Do you know what I think about mac's / I know they don't have a lot of problems until it gets old. When it's old my dad's computer at the office it can't use the internet right and stuff like that. But with custom Pc's you can upgrade you Custom PC whenever you want to. Thank you for reading my blog/ And also I am trying to save up for a gaming keyboard for my gaming. Do you know why/ Because it has macro keys/ Thank you for reading my blog again.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Do you think I should get a gaming keyboard??
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, I am just wandering should I get a Gaming keyboard. I think I should save up to get a gaming keyboard because I think that the apple wireless keyboard is lacking of space and keyboard shortcuts. Me and my sister are now gamers and we want a gaming keyboard, I am going to save up for at least a 75 dollar keyboard that's a good keyboard. I think it's going to be nice to get a gaming keyboard because the apple keyboard is too thin! If you are reading this dad that's what I think/ I am not trying to act spoiled I am just saying that apple doesn't have the best keyboards and mouse's for world of warcraft gamers/ Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, September 3, 2010
I am going to save up for a laptop
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games here and today I am going to save up for a laptop, Not just any laptop a Macbook pro. I want to save up for a new laptop because when I got to place's like Barn's and noble or some book store with internet I just want to play world of warcraft. World of Warcraft Is a really addicting game that really ruins people's life's. I only have 13 days left until my World of warcraft expires, I am going to pay another 60 dollars to get another 4 months. Indeed World of Warcraft is worth the money, Anything can happen maybe we might be going McDonald's and I want to showoff my World of Warcraft. My sister really hogs the mac a lot so that's why I want a new computer.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
World of Warcraft I have a flying mount.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games here, today I am going to talk about World of Warcraft My sister gave me the money for a flying mount and it's the best thing that happened to me mount wise. Now I got got my flying mount because I am level 60! It's really good because I can mine in the sky because when I fly over Hellfire I can just fly over areas and mine so that's really good. And also I can go to quest easier and faster in the outlands, For now on most of the time I will be in the Outlands to try to be level 80 in 2 months, I think that is possible to level up to level 80 from level 60 so hope me good luck.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
World of warcraft level 60
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games here, today I am going to talk about being level 60 in world of warcraft. Finally I am level 60 in world of warcraft, I played 10 days and 12 hours into that game. That is how much I love that online social system game, I gained 2 levels with my sister's friend and the rest by raids, dungeons and quest. Now I can by a flying mount, but first I need to get enough money for my flying lessons and mount. It cost 225 gold for training for basic skills of flying. That's a lot of money including 47 gold for the bird, Hopefully my sister will give me a lone that will be like 125 gold about. She said every favor I do for my sister I get a brownie points if it's a big favor 20 gold in by big brown back in world of warcraft. She said yesterday that I can borrow money from her and hopefully she didn't change her mind because It will take for ever to earn that money or I am too lazy for that. If she doesn't give me the money I will earn it my self. The good thing about flying mounts is that you can fly to your mining spots and land and dismount then go back on your flying mount, That's really good because it's fast transportation so no prob, If my sister does give me the money I have to pay my sister an extra 50 gold for all that plus the amount I borrowed. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, August 30, 2010
World of Warcraft almost level 60
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to tell you about being almost level 60. Pretty soon I can learn how to use flying mounts so I can fly over Hellfire and blasted lands E.C.T. Anyway I have to earn 2000 gold of epic flying and 225 gold for regular flying, Right now I am kind of broke because I didn't mine for a long time and I also bought a bear mount that was 750 Gold. This is my plan, I will mine more Thorium Ore then I will earn money for basic flying lessons so I can beat other people when people mine against me.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Pakistanis flee new monsoon floods in south
On this day in Pakistan,some 200,000 people have been forced to leave their homes in the Thatta area of Sindh province, where dozens of villages are flooded.
In the north, volunteers have begun to help to clean up the flood. The UN has approved for more helicopters to reach 800,000 people who are cut off from power.
Doctors in many areas are struggling to cope with the spread of water-born diseases such as diarrhoea and cholera. These diseases spread quickly through water, infecting the residents.
Five million Pakistanis have no shelter, and need tents or plastic sheeting to protect them from the sun.
The UN says more than 17 million people have been affected by the floods, and about 1.2 million homes have been destroyed.
The vast body of water that has swept the length of Pakistan is now threatening previously unaffected communities in Sindh province, at the country's southern tip.
Overnight, the authorities have been organizing a mass evacuation from the town of Thatta - near the mouth of the Indus delta - and surrounding villages.
At the moment, all that stands between locals and the vast weight of water is an embankment, which has started to crack in places. If it bursts, the whole area could be submerged.
Likely 800,000 people are still stranded, the UN says - many in the northwest region, where roads and bridges have been swept away.
I think we should all help in some way. I encourage you to donate to a non profit charity that will help the victims of these floods. We have all been fortunate enough to not be in a crisis like this and we should help people who are and have been in one. Most things can be replaced but some like memories can never be erased.
In the north, volunteers have begun to help to clean up the flood. The UN has approved for more helicopters to reach 800,000 people who are cut off from power.
Doctors in many areas are struggling to cope with the spread of water-born diseases such as diarrhoea and cholera. These diseases spread quickly through water, infecting the residents.
Five million Pakistanis have no shelter, and need tents or plastic sheeting to protect them from the sun.
The UN says more than 17 million people have been affected by the floods, and about 1.2 million homes have been destroyed.
The vast body of water that has swept the length of Pakistan is now threatening previously unaffected communities in Sindh province, at the country's southern tip.
Overnight, the authorities have been organizing a mass evacuation from the town of Thatta - near the mouth of the Indus delta - and surrounding villages.
At the moment, all that stands between locals and the vast weight of water is an embankment, which has started to crack in places. If it bursts, the whole area could be submerged.
Likely 800,000 people are still stranded, the UN says - many in the northwest region, where roads and bridges have been swept away.
I think we should all help in some way. I encourage you to donate to a non profit charity that will help the victims of these floods. We have all been fortunate enough to not be in a crisis like this and we should help people who are and have been in one. Most things can be replaced but some like memories can never be erased.
Monday, August 23, 2010
World of warcraft is the best computer game I ever played!
Hello everybody today I am going to tell you why World of warcraft the is the computer game out there. The 1 reason is that you have a leveling system that when you kill enough and do quest you level up, When you level up to level 20 you get a mount. You get a certain reward when you level up to a certain level, And also you can get armor upgrade, Weapon upgrades, You can earn more friend when you play more, At one moment of the game when I first started I kind of begged for money/ World of warcraft is a really big society that, when you do something nice for them they send you stuff back in return like guild or Gray, Green, Blue and purple items. I recommend the purple items because those items are worth the most. I am just saying that you should get world of warcraft, I know it's a lot of money per month but it is sure worth it. Thank you for reading my blog.
Seth Priebatsch: The game layer on top of the world
1.Seth is trying to make a new game layer.
2.This last decade was social on gaming.
3.It’s already under construction.
4.Seth’s favorite hero is Bob the Builder.
5.He is trying to influence behavior.
6.People are trying exploring social more.
7.He says his layer is going to be really powerful
8.The resources to make the game layer you have to have game dynamics.
9.Apointment Dynamic/ ( A dynamic in which to succeed, one must return at a predefined time to take a predetermined action.
10.Happy hour is a very famous dynamic.
11.Farmville has more active users than twitter, you have to harvest you plants at a certain time.
12.Modern warfare has cool badges that motivates people to play more.
13.School is a game They have A,B,C,D,E,F,U
14.School’s had experimented earning experience points to get your grade higher.
15.World of warcraft is a really famous online game, Average person plays 6 hours day.
16.Communal Discovery/ ( A dynamic wherin an entire community is rallied to work together to solve a challenge.
2.This last decade was social on gaming.
3.It’s already under construction.
4.Seth’s favorite hero is Bob the Builder.
5.He is trying to influence behavior.
6.People are trying exploring social more.
7.He says his layer is going to be really powerful
8.The resources to make the game layer you have to have game dynamics.
9.Apointment Dynamic/ ( A dynamic in which to succeed, one must return at a predefined time to take a predetermined action.
10.Happy hour is a very famous dynamic.
11.Farmville has more active users than twitter, you have to harvest you plants at a certain time.
12.Modern warfare has cool badges that motivates people to play more.
13.School is a game They have A,B,C,D,E,F,U
14.School’s had experimented earning experience points to get your grade higher.
15.World of warcraft is a really famous online game, Average person plays 6 hours day.
16.Communal Discovery/ ( A dynamic wherin an entire community is rallied to work together to solve a challenge.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Peter Molyneux demos Milo, virtual boy
- Microsoft Kinect inspired the speaker
- Kinect fells real to the speaker
- Use your body to control and voice the Kinect game.
- The game is about helping this little depressed virtual boy because he moved so much he doesn’t have friend any more and his parents work to much/ Don’t have enough time to talk to their son.
- The game is about helping the boy figure out his garden he can have a good live.
- You use a bubble to spot and collect things in the game
- You can use the voice to give him talks.
- We are going to teach Milo how to skip stones
- His told him to clean his room
- He spelt sausages on his parents new carpet
- The speaker loves the future.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Broke in World of warcraft.
Hello everybody today I am going to talk about my world of warcraft pally. My World of Warcraft Pally is a very broken person because I spent 100 gold on my Guild I went flat broke. Today I am waiting for my mining minerals to be sold so I can get a few bangs for my golden piece. My sister has a lot more gold than me because she has a lot more money in real life. My sister has like 400 gold and something that means my sister has more money in real life too. The lesson of the story is that if you have more money then someone else that means you are to thrifty.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Buying a new camera for my Youtube videos!
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games. I am thinking that my 480 PI is kind of the old quality, I think now is the time to get a new camera because all the cameras in Bestbuy or any kind of Super shop has cameras that are at least 720 Pixels. I think I am going to buy one of the flip cameras with my own hard earned cash from working on the house for hours, It's like sweat on my money if I earned of painting our house and scraping and priming. Very tiring because you have to get prepared.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
World of warcraft is awesome!
Hello everybody today I am going to tell you why World of Warcraft is so awesome. You can do so many things in World of warcraft that are fun and interesting, You can earn Bronze, Silver, or gold. Gold is the best coin in World of warcraft because 1000 bronze equals to 1 gold and 100 silver is equal to 1 gold. Right now I have 90 gold and I used to have 200 gold but I spent a lot of money buying frost weave bags. ( It is worth the money ) to buy bags and stuff because in long run you pick up a lot of rare items and you don't want to delete anything to collect stuff because it takes time. My professions are Mining and a Blacksmith, Mining and Blacksmith is really good professions because you need metal to make armor in Blacksmith profession. And also you have to have good professions that are completable. For example if you pick Mining with leatherworking that is just not going to work. Leatherworking you need skinning with that because you need hides and skins. Thank you reading my blog and have a nice day.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
When our we going to get a Oven.
Hello everybody today I am going to talk about ( When are we going to have a oven in our own house ). When we first moved here it didn't have electricity, internet, water, Now we have all those things except a oven. For a long time now I am still eating microwave dinners for breakfast and eating out all the time, It feels really unheathley
to just eat junk food all the time because I doesn't feel right so now I want to cook some real food on the oven. I want to make Sushi every single month at least, I want a fully loaded Kitchen with all the goodies and the healthy things that don't make me feel fat. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
to just eat junk food all the time because I doesn't feel right so now I want to cook some real food on the oven. I want to make Sushi every single month at least, I want a fully loaded Kitchen with all the goodies and the healthy things that don't make me feel fat. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, August 2, 2010
My new DSi (:
Today I am going to talk about a Nintendo product that I got for my birthday. The Nintendo product is a Nintendo DSi. My DSi is really great because my old Nintendo was kind of too old so my sister bought me a new DSi. My new DSi is black with 2 cameras ( one in back(One in front. The two cameras are really fun to use because you can take it most places and it is kind of good quality of a photo. Also it has good editing software for the photos so you can share the unique photos you edit on the DSi, ( Yes It does have a browser ) The Browser is kind of lame because it doesn't allow you to watch youtube videos or use your advanced router system. ( The DSi shop ) I never tried the DSi shop but my sister's friend said that the DSi shop was kind of lame because they have stupid games to download nothing cool. ( SD card slot ) The SD card slot allows you to have AAV files of any music you download, Very useful device. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Level 40 on World of warcraft.
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, here and today I am going to tell you about my level 40 paladin. Yesterday I was so happy when my paladin turned level 40, Do you know how much that means to me. Now I have a Supercharger and a Elek Green and blue, My old mounts are 60 ./. speed and now my I just got is 100./. percent speed, 40 ./. as a difference of a speed. The mounts look so much better than it used to because it has a lot of fetishes to bring my hopes into dreams. I used to have 214 gold and now I only have 145 gold, because I spent 45 gold on upgrading my riding skills and buying 2 eleks and spells. I was running around happy because I got to level 40, That's not the best thing that happened yesterday, Guess what it is? I can wear plate armor now! Stronger and more powerful. Thank you for reading my blog and have a very nice day.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Where am I?
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about where am I right now. This is the reason that I didn't make a blog for a long time is because that we were in a moving process. It took like 3 or 4 months to get the house because it didn't close right away so we had to stay in a super 8 by Starbucks. Indeed it was by Starbucks but when I went to Starbucks and the vendor machines at the same time you lose all you hard earned money. We stayed at super 8 about a month then we got the house key to the house, When I first went in our house I was so happy I got the house because it was 2,200 some square are house is a lot bigger than the average. My dad bought radiators and we got water, electric, Then a new water heater. We didn't install the really heavy radiators yet because we don't have a boiler and some might be to big for our house. A other thing when we moved to the house is that we got internet ( Yay to internet because I can play xbox live and World of War-craft. I also bought two months of world of warcraft for 30 dollars with my own money I earned painting the garage and painting the porch very worth it. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Debate: Does the world need nuclear energy?
Hello everybody today I am going to ask you do we need nuclear energy? These days we have to have energy running all the time because everything run's on technology these day. They had a debate about do we need Nuclear energy? At the end of the video they said yes they both won on both Ideas. I think we should use other things instead of nuclear energy because it's releasing Gigatons carbon dioxide. Can we use solar panels and wind to solve the issue? If you put you heart and minds to it everything is possible.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
400 hundred subscribers on Youtube
Hello everybody this is 2cool4games here and today I am going to talk about 400 subscribers on my youtube page. 400 subscribers finally I am getting more successful for the minute and I love youtube more than ever before because I have momentum from my subscribers saying make a new video soon and stuff like that. People like my videos, I didn't know that at first but now I figured it out. If you relax in a video you look like you are not under pressure so more chances of better comments. I have to say thank for all the subscribers that subscriber to me because I love my subscribers. My friends thank you very much for supporting me and making a video about me. Today I am using a imac 27 inch intel duo processor so it's pretty fast and furious. Do you know why I like macs? I will tell you why because the have better video editing software and it doesn't crash that often. The bad thing is that macs are very expensive but it's worth is in the long run. My last blog about Steam was that is going to change the Mac industry because PC games are going to mac so that's so awesome. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Steam for Mac.
Steam is such a change for the Mac industry because now mac is going to be a gaming computer like a PC. Most PC people don't like macs because it can't play video games on there computer, Well PC people in this world now you download MW2 you know ( Modern warfare 2 ) And e.c.t. More people are going to switch from PC to Mac because of steam. Steam is going to release a lot more games you just have to wait for it. Today or for about 7 more day they have a free game called portal that is going to bring a lot of downloads. Portal is only free for a limited time because it's a demo so you better get it now. It's going to be so great because you don't have to switch mac OS to PC window 7. Because I just a computer in one day and it was completely new that was really frustrating so my sister figured how to fix the computer and everybody had a happy ever after. Macs is the way go for the long run. If it's 200 dollars more for a mac and a PC is 200 dollars less you might as well get a mac because when Microsoft Brings in a new OS and you have to pay like 350 dollars just for the OS and they are just trying to just earn money off you guys come on do go with PC now they have Steam a new generation of gaming in one program. The steam download is fast and easy but you still have to pay for the games. But they said it's going to be like Microsoft xbox 360 like you search around for game in different categorizes and it's going to be in good DEF. You should be all excited Mac lovers because we waited for a mac gaming program now we do have use it like no one has it. So let's enjoy our self's and be cool on a mac like a PC gamer does.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Zoo sleep over coming up!
Hello everybody today I am going to talk about my zoo sleep over coming up.My Zoo sleep over is going to be so exciting because I get a patch and I can sleep over by the animals. That is like the best thing of sleeping over at the zoo, You can do a lot of things there like you can eat all can you eat dinner and stuff like that. I don't know what is going to happen there I am just saying the stuff I already know that I am going to do at the zoo. My friend are going to there and it's going to be all great. Anyway I hope that is doesn't rain when we are there because it makes everybody gloomy and have bad results during the weekend. Well thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
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