A lot of people have creativity, but too much for baby names. A lot of the top names for babies are sometimes nonsense. Most of the time you want to name your baby a unique and never heard of name. The only problem is, the name you name your baby, will effect their life. I am a bit young to talk about this, but I know that people mess up on baby names all the time. If you read the top names for this generation, most of the names is just a brazen example, that most people don't know how to name their baby a good name. I am not trying to ruin peoples lives, or make people pop. I am just suggesting that in the future choose wisely, which baby name is right for your baby. If you choose to common of a name, for example, like Ashley...it just to common these days. I am very lucky, that I have a very good name that's not overly pandemical. It's hard to believe, that people would name people after really famous celebs, just for the liking of the person. A lot of people name their babies of celebs and that's kind of a bad thing. You don't want a really famous name, like Ashley because it's just not suitable for real life applications. You want a good well know name, or not a stupid name to stand out in front of others. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. Here's the link for the top 100 names in 2011...http://www.babycenter.com/top-baby-names-2011.
My name is Sebastian. This is my blog, and I enjoy learning stuff. I really enjoy learning editing and other skills like photography, and cinematography. This blog is about me talking about stuff, that is going through my mind.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
What I think about After Effects.
After Effects, is a major program for the film and TV industry, that is absolutely crucial to have. This program to me can open new doors for me, and right now I am just working on the real basics, and the basics takes some thinking. If you want to be good at this program, watch tutorials, and spend a lot of time on the program. Spending time on stuff, makes you get better at stuff. If you spend 6 hours a day on After Effects or something else, it will take you 5 years to get your 10,000 hours into your favorite thing you want to learn. This program is pretty interesting and I recommend looking into this...
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Money is around you.
Most of everybody complains, that we don't have the money. We do have money, but we just have to know where to look for it. If you are a soda drinker, keep your cans in the basement or somewhere else, and then go to your nearest recycling place that recycles cans for money. Don't put your cans in the recycle, because you can earn a lot of money back from your soda cans. Also look for change lying around, you can really just take a jar, and fill up with coins. Most of the coins in my house, are just lying around and doing nothing. The first thing you should do, is to put all your coins in a container, and just wait until it's filled. You get a unique astonishing feeling when you cash it in to dollars at your nearest bank. Right now I am saving up for a pro external hard drive, and it's quite expensive, but very reliable and sleek. Here's the link, LaCie external hard drive. This is a recommended hard drive from my neighbor, and he's says it's highly reliable and pro. Also my stuff on my list right now is, DIY rig, tripod, 1.4 Canon lens, and plugins for my Adobe programs. These are the absolute necessities I want, and that's why it's on my list. I am planning to make a poster board thing, that has all the pictures of the stuff I want, and when I get something, I will cross it off. If you are looking for a ultra reliable pro hard drive go for the LaCie external hard drive solution, also it has a series of ports for ultra data speed. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Don't buy ram upgrades from Apple.
Buying ram right now should be cheap, but when you upgrade your ram from the Apple website, you are getting screwed. 16GB or ram for the newest imac right now cost about $100 dollars, and Apple is charging $600 dollars for ram that cost $100!! If you are a Apple worker reading this, and you work with the prices and stuff, you need to change this to at least $150 dollars. $50 bucks for installing ram is not too shabby. Some people buy ram for their macs and it's just too much money for some ram. You can buy Crucial and OWC ram for about $100 dollars. Don't buy samsung ram that comes with your mac, buy Crucial and OWC ram. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Practicing Adobe After Effects CS4.
When I got Adobe CS4 Production Premium, I was astonished when I got the programs. I really love After Effects, because it's really easy to import and render files, and now I just have to learn how to edit my videos. I did try color grading on After Effects, and it was okay, but I would use premiere for a color grades'. I am watching tutorials, and learning stuff like rendering and creating proxies, proxies are very useful for editing big files, it makes the preview go a lot faster. I will take 500 hours to be a semi pro amateur at this program. You can do so much things with footage, and I love the Video Copilot tutorials and I try to follow a long video tutorials. I also made some test shots with my 5D Mark II and here's a a video on my new Flickr account. I will be uploading short clips of video, and still on this Flickr account, and will be using this for the rest of my life. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, January 23, 2012
You can do tons of things with a DSLR.
The DSLR population that use's their DSLR's for video is growing. People love DSLR's like me, because it can do so much things for a small price point. You can do macro, time lapses, night shooting, and other great stuff in 1080P. My camera is know for the Depth of field and the night shooting, and it's really good at night. I am planning to build a custom rig for 35 dollars, I am going follow the directions from Filmriot, and get a good rig for cheap. I love DIY stuff, because it's a lot cheaper than buying it retail, plus you can make something useful for yourself, instead a person doing it for you. I had a lot of problems rendering my clips on CS4, because it just stutters... it's a very interesting a time consuming problem...but I can live with it. You can pick so much lenses for different things for shooting stuff, it's amazing. I wish that the DSLR's had a headphone jack.... that would be great to know what kind of sound you have. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Das keyboard for mac
Hi, today I am going to talk about Das keyboard for mac. This didn't come out yet, but this is going to make people a lot happier. They have a new Das keyboard for mac, that has all the same functions and functionality as the regular thin Apple keyboards. Apple keyboards are just really thin and annoying, and we just want a PC type keyboard that has the same buttons. Das keyboard is making this possible this year in April. It's about the same as the other models and the other models had really shocking good reviews. Apple is making a book writing program, and it's a pain in the A** to type on the mac, because of the keyboard. Das keyboard is giving opportunity's to make people happier with their typing. Do you miss the old keyboards that were bigger and clunkier, instead of these thin keyboards that's a pain to use. This keyboard is going to run your $133 dollars and if you preorder you can get it for $133 dollars. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Why you need a monopod
Hi, today I am going to tell you why you need a monopod. A monopod is a tripod that has one leg instead of 3 legs. Monopods are very good, because of it's portability and space efficiency. You would need a tripod in a lot of circumstances. If you are at a public event, that has tons of people, you will need a space efficient semi tripod to keep your shoots steady. Also another good reason is that it is really fast and easy to setup on leg instead of 3. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
What kind of DSLR do you need?
They have different breeds of DSLR's, They have ones for sports, videos, and landscape photography. Most of the DSLR's on the market right now like Nikon, and Canon have video and photography modes. The camera I am using is the Canon 5D Mark II, the Canon DSLR's are the best for video and photography. Nikon has great photos, but it doesn't really have a good video mode. Canon cameras are more versatile for both video and photography, but Nikon is only for photographers if you are serious about taking photos. Both brands to really good photos, some are sport's cameras and some are landscape cameras. Sport DSLR's are those cameras with a fast shutter speed like 8 FPS. I don't really need 8 FPS, because I am only going to use my camera for video most of the time. Also consider that you will spend more than the camera's cost. You can only use the kit lens that only comes with your camera, but you can buy a whole series of other lenses. The good thing about DSLR's are the lens selection. Some lenses are faster than others, so the fast ones have a lower aperture to let more light in. The smaller the aperture the more light comes in, and more wonderful blurry backgrounds. If you want to do video and taking photos, Canon is right for you. Also it depends on the camera model, because every camera is different from the other. Like the Canon T2i has a very good price tag. It takes great video and photos for about $700 dollars. If you want a pro camera like my Canon 5D Mark II, you will need to save some money. If you want to take just photos go with Nikon. Nikon is the best for taking photos, but Canon really takes great photos also. It really depends what brand you like the most, it's really not my decision. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Memory's that I will remember forever.
I lot of my memory's, are great memory's. These memory's are going to last me a lifetime, because some things are so unforgettable. Like getting my first apple computer, was a big thing for me at the time. I also got a Canon 5D Mark II for Christmas and that was a spectacular moment in my life, and I will never will forget these things. I have so much to be grateful for and it's really cool to have all these things at my age. I am only 13, and I have a professional DSLR that can take great stills, and wonderful video. The one thing that I appreciate the most is having a beautiful camera, and having a nice home to sleep and eat in. The Canon 5D Mark II is a remarkable camera, and I am not going to forget the day, I got the Canon 5D Mark II. My camera is so customizable, and I used to use my flip camera a lot, but I evolved from a cocoon to a butterfly compared what camera I have now. I am planning to use my camera for a long time, like maybe 4-5 years. If my camera still works by then, I can buy the Canon 5D Mark IV or something, and use my 5D Mark II as a secondary. The great thing about new cameras coming out, is when all the new cameras come out and then you buy the older ones for dirt cheap. The good thing is that when I get older all the cameras are going to be great, and it will never be trashed when tech gets better and better. I love what Canon did for the indie filmmakers, unintentionally made a DSLR with video and a full frame sensor! I don't really care if my camera gets old, because if it does anyway I will buy a new one later on! It's amazing how technology is moving along so fast, cameras get better and better, and everything gets better than ever. When I get older, my computer will be crap in the future and I will say that it was a great computer. I am always going to remember my first DSLR, the Canon 5D Mark II as my first professional camera. I am also very excited just by thinking about, starting a online business to earn some money. I can't wait to get a 50mm f/1.4, viewfinder from Zacuto, and a nice tripod that can support the weight of my camera. I also learned that next time buy a camera without the kit lens, so you can pick your own in the future. The Canon 5D Mark II without the lens is running $2018 dollars on eBay. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, January 13, 2012
DSLR's vs Compact Cameras
DSLR's and compact cameras are great cameras. Every camera has a little defect or a other little problem. The good thing with compact cameras is the simplicity. The simplicity of the camera is import, because if you want to capture a moment without changing setting or anything go with a compact camera. Some compact cameras do have manual and other modes on the higher end compact cameras, but they are very expensive. The good thing about DSLR's are all the options of lenses and custom settings. You can buy a very good DSLR for $800 US dollars and it also comes with a lens know as "Camera kit lens". DSLR's have great modes for taking photos when you need your camera at the right moment. Like P mode "semi full auto" is a great mode just for taking photos when you need to take photos. They also do have a manual mode but most of the time you use that for taking photos of still objects. Everything now can by editing by Adobe Photoshop and their is no need to use manual all of the time. You can if you want to, but you can always change your image by Adobe Photoshop. DSLR's are know for it's low light quality and people love DSLR's for low light. Also most of the time the FPS is better than compact cameras. Also you can get a full frame sensor camera that adds more Bokeh to the image, and also just makes more stunning images. Compact cameras are for people that just wants to take a picture of everything and just wants the photo. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
My wishlist
This is my wishlist, if money wasn't a object. All of my items are photo and video related, and other things. If I got all these things when I get older, I would be one happy person. These are the things I want that are in my mind. Mac Pro, green screen, advanced editing and cinematography skills, script writing skills, lighting equipment, homemade dolly, learning a foreign language, really nice expensive and good lenses, multiple cameras and crew, all the skills to make a great movie, online film school, really fancy house. These are the things that I want, and these are the things that I can get. Everything that is possible to you, is very possible to do. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Why Apple doesn't care about the consumers
This is why Apple doesn't care about it's consumers. Apple doesn't care about their consumers, because they earn all the money of the ipods, iphones, and ipads. All these little devices are the main monopoly property Boardwalk. Apple really doesn't care anymore about the imacs, macbooks, and mac pros, they only care about these devices that earn them tons of money. I honestly think that every Apple purchase should go to charity and that would boost the revenue of money coming in by 20%. Also if they make the Apple devices in America and not China, this would raise the sales 50%. Everything is made in China and everybody is turned off by that. Maybe one day in the future they will fix the OS for the system line of macs. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Adding a second display for imac
I was thinking about this for a long time. I am thinking about, adding a second display, so I can multitask when I edit videos. This is a good thing, because you have an extra screen for everything you need to put to the side. This is very crucial if you are editing movies and you would most likely multitask on multiple screens. It's really cheap to get a monitor and cable for the mac, and you can do everything you want with the second screen. Like watching movies on the side when you are editing footage or you can edit stuff on the monitor instead of the main screen. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
New computer in the future.
In the future, I will need a new computer. Next year I will get a new imac with a new processor and graphics card. Or even a custom PC that's tons cheaper and powerful. My imac has a Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 12 GB of 1066 ram. This computer woke up in 2009 and now it's 2012 where the new processors came out. I am planning to do huge things for editing, like making short films and websites, and I think that when I get a upgrade to CS5, I will need a new computer to keep up with the standards. When you have a old computer and new software it doesn't turn out well. I need a imac that has a Intel i7 processor, good graphics, great video card, and I am going to raise money for it. I don't want to be stuck with this computer, because I didn't raise money for it. I need to take advantage to the new computers that are coming out. Every 3 years I should replace my computer with a new one. I think some will go more than 3 years in the future. I think i7 is good enough for everybody, and it's going to be this way for a long time. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Monday, January 9, 2012
My new attitude
I really think that if you really want something, you can get it. When you have a deep desire for a thing you want you will get it. I earned the 500,000 points needed to earn my ipod yesterday, I earned it in 5 days. I broke the record for earning the most points in two days. Now I am waiting for a response via email. I spend over 12 hours playing that same old game and it was sicking. The only thing that was good about it is that the ipod nano I won. I am planning getting Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Video production editing software. The only bad thing about the Adobe Educational software is, that they own part of your work. If you have a really good viral video edited with Educational software they will earn tons of money off you. It's kind of sad that they do that, people and company's are really selfish. It makes me want the buy the pro software but it's okay. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Why my camera is a investment.
My camera is a investment. Most people don't think about using their lenses right now in the future with a different camera. I am going to have about maybe 4 or 5 lenses that I can use in the future. When I seen the Canon 7D for so cheap it makes me want to buy it also, because If I have all the gear for it why not buy the cheap body. The Canon 7D is a great camera for taking sports shots and know for it's auto focusing. My first on my list is Film school online, and editing programs "Adobe Production Premium". I am planning to buy the educational version that cost a whopping 450 dollars. Don't worry though, because I just earned 5 dollars off doing dishes yesterday. If I do the dishes 2 times a day and charge $2.50, I will earn $150 dollars a month. If you do this for a year it's about $1800 dollars, this really get's me pumping, because it's as much as a camera body or whatever else I need. I am really happy to say that this is going to be my profession and no one is going to stop me, but myself. Maybe a flash also, for night portraits. What I want right now is Film School Online and Adobe Production Premium. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
What Lenses are needed for DSLR movie making?
What is a lens?
A lens is a eye for your camera. Think of it as your own eye. One feature of the lens is the f/stop. The f/stop is the aperture of the lens. Lower the aperture the more buttery background, a buttery background means bokeh. Bokeh is when your camera focuses on a subject and the background is melted. People made the lens based on the eye. Most lenses have autofocus and manual focus, this is really comparable how the human eye works. The aperture is like the iris of your eye, when your iris opens more light comes in. Every lens is different then the other one, choose like a wise person.
The most expensive lens is not always a good lens, don’t judge a book by it’s cover.
You judge the book off reviews off YouTube and personnel judgmental skills. Also don’t buy the cheapest lens out there, because it’s worth the money to get a good lens for a movie you are about to make.
Brand of lens?
Usually DSLR filmmakers use Canon, Zeiss, Sigma, and sometimes nikon. These are all good lens manufactures, but for movies go with Zeiss and Canon. Also if you have a full frame sensor like my Canon 5D Mark II the EF-S lenses, These don’t work, because most of the cameras are using cropped sensors. If you are on a really big budget go with a camera that has a cropped sensor.
If you already have a Canon 5D Mark II you are okay. You can still pick up lenses online for really cheap still, The 50mm’s work with the Canon 5D mark II. I would buy the 50mm f/1.4 if you are on a budget. Don’t buy the 50mm f/1.8 because it will get stuck on your camera. If you have the extra money on a 50mm buy the f/1.2 that cost $1,439.00 “Amazon”. If you have the money to buy some lenses go buy all the good Canon Prime lenses and the Zeiss Cinema style lenses. If you are on a budget choose wisely to pick a lens. Watch reviews on YouTube and read reviews and comments. Also Canon is releasing EF Cinema Lenses, for DSLR! I really doubt that this is going to be cheap but might be the competitors like Zeiss.

The Money
If you are on a really tight budget, go with cheap lenses that meet you minimal standards. If you have enough money to buy a couple expensive lenses,
spend the money on the best reviewed lenses for filmmaking. It doesn’t matter if you have a Nikon or a Canon, you can adapters for your Canon or your Nikon. The only bad thing is that you can’t autofocus, but most of the time you use manual focus anyway for recording. When you put a adapter on for Nikon “for example”, you can use Nikon lenses with manual focus. Also you should really buy a good tripod, viewfinder for LCD, and a follow focus. I would buy follow focus with a LCD viewfinder because when you are shooting outside or in a dark area you need to see your focus. Also keep track with your focus with the follow focus and put certain areas in focus with markings to keep track. Also buy a tripod or a fluid head that has really smooth pans or tilts to avoid the jello effect. I would choose lenses buy your standards not mine.
What is a lens?
A lens is a eye for your camera. Think of it as your own eye. One feature of the lens is the f/stop. The f/stop is the aperture of the lens. Lower the aperture the more buttery background, a buttery background means bokeh. Bokeh is when your camera focuses on a subject and the background is melted. People made the lens based on the eye. Most lenses have autofocus and manual focus, this is really comparable how the human eye works. The aperture is like the iris of your eye, when your iris opens more light comes in. Every lens is different then the other one, choose like a wise person.
The most expensive lens is not always a good lens, don’t judge a book by it’s cover.
You judge the book off reviews off YouTube and personnel judgmental skills. Also don’t buy the cheapest lens out there, because it’s worth the money to get a good lens for a movie you are about to make.
Brand of lens?
Usually DSLR filmmakers use Canon, Zeiss, Sigma, and sometimes nikon. These are all good lens manufactures, but for movies go with Zeiss and Canon. Also if you have a full frame sensor like my Canon 5D Mark II the EF-S lenses, These don’t work, because most of the cameras are using cropped sensors. If you are on a really big budget go with a camera that has a cropped sensor.
If you already have a Canon 5D Mark II you are okay. You can still pick up lenses online for really cheap still, The 50mm’s work with the Canon 5D mark II. I would buy the 50mm f/1.4 if you are on a budget. Don’t buy the 50mm f/1.8 because it will get stuck on your camera. If you have the extra money on a 50mm buy the f/1.2 that cost $1,439.00 “Amazon”. If you have the money to buy some lenses go buy all the good Canon Prime lenses and the Zeiss Cinema style lenses. If you are on a budget choose wisely to pick a lens. Watch reviews on YouTube and read reviews and comments. Also Canon is releasing EF Cinema Lenses, for DSLR! I really doubt that this is going to be cheap but might be the competitors like Zeiss.
The Money
If you are on a really tight budget, go with cheap lenses that meet you minimal standards. If you have enough money to buy a couple expensive lenses,
spend the money on the best reviewed lenses for filmmaking. It doesn’t matter if you have a Nikon or a Canon, you can adapters for your Canon or your Nikon. The only bad thing is that you can’t autofocus, but most of the time you use manual focus anyway for recording. When you put a adapter on for Nikon “for example”, you can use Nikon lenses with manual focus. Also you should really buy a good tripod, viewfinder for LCD, and a follow focus. I would buy follow focus with a LCD viewfinder because when you are shooting outside or in a dark area you need to see your focus. Also keep track with your focus with the follow focus and put certain areas in focus with markings to keep track. Also buy a tripod or a fluid head that has really smooth pans or tilts to avoid the jello effect. I would choose lenses buy your standards not mine.
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