
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Memory's that I will remember forever.

I lot of my memory's, are great memory's. These memory's are going to last me a lifetime, because some things are so unforgettable. Like getting my first apple computer, was a big thing for me at the time. I also got a Canon 5D Mark II for Christmas and that was a spectacular moment in my life, and I will never will forget these things. I have so much to be grateful for and it's really cool to have all these things at my age. I am only 13, and I have a professional DSLR that can take great stills, and wonderful video. The one thing that I appreciate the most is having a beautiful camera, and having a nice home to sleep and eat in. The Canon 5D Mark II is a remarkable camera, and I am not going to forget the day, I got the Canon 5D Mark II. My camera is so customizable, and I used to use my flip camera a lot, but I evolved from a cocoon to a butterfly compared what camera I have now. I am planning to use my camera for a long time, like maybe 4-5 years. If my camera still works by then, I can buy the Canon 5D Mark IV or something, and use my 5D Mark II as a secondary. The great thing about new cameras coming out, is when all the new cameras come out and then you buy the older ones for dirt cheap. The good thing is that when I get older all the cameras are going to be great, and it will never be trashed when tech gets better and better. I love what Canon did for the indie filmmakers, unintentionally made a DSLR with video and a full frame sensor! I don't really care if my camera gets old, because if it does anyway I will buy a new one later on! It's amazing how technology is moving along so fast, cameras get better and better, and everything gets better than ever. When I get older, my computer will be crap in the future and I will say that it was a great computer. I am always going to remember my first DSLR, the Canon 5D Mark II as my first professional camera. I am also very excited just by thinking about, starting a online business to earn some money. I can't wait to get a 50mm f/1.4, viewfinder from Zacuto, and a nice tripod that can support the weight of my camera. I also learned that next time buy a camera without the kit lens, so you can pick your own in the future. The Canon 5D Mark II without the lens is running $2018 dollars on eBay. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

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