
Sunday, November 11, 2012

The best reason why you shouldn't switch to a Mac.

I am going to tell you how I feel right now about Macs. The good thing about a Mac to me is that a Mac has an astounding record on reliability. That's why my family doesn't like PC's, because they kind of have problems with reliability, but it's mostly our faults that our computers break because we want a bang for the buck for PC's.

Anyway onto the point about why you switch to Mac. Please trust me on this... Macs don't have the Business feel as a PC has. It just feels like a computer that you just watch Netflix on and just a computer that you fool around with online. If your PC crashed in the past, you either have bad luck picking a computer or you don't look at the reviews or your are not using the right antivirus software out their. If you don't use antivirus software, your computer will be doomed from the real world out. They have many people out their that just want to make viruses and other things like Trojan just to earn money. Money is everywhere, and people find it on their own basis.

Really trust me on this. I get more serious things down with a old PC than the imac I have on my desk for doing things. PC's just have that kind of feeling to it. PC's make doing work fun while using a Mac you just want to fool around.

I think I know why this is happening to me, I really don't like the operating system. The operating system is very boring to me, and it doesn't offer you any fun things that comes with the operating system. Also the visuals of the operating system, not the graphics, are really boring. It's just a plain dock and a finder that is really boring. I think that's why people like me fool around on Macs a lot. It's because the operating system is very boring for your eyes. Here I solved you case. Just install Avast Internet Security the best antivirus right now in my opinion, and buy a decently priced computer that is not too cheap and you will be okay. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

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