
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tips for starting out with a DSLR.

When I got my first DSLR, it was like a alien product to me. I didn't know how to use it correctly and just used full auto mode for a couple months. I am going to tel you the secrets on how to learn your camera.

Please look at YouTube tutorials. If you don't look at YouTube videos that teach you how to take better photos, and teaches you how to use you camera. You will be doomed with a alien product. You want your alien product that you don't know how to use to be less foreign to you. First I would update the firmware on your camera, If you don't upgrade your firmware of your camera, there are more chances of complications with your camera. Please look up ______ the camera model and then how to update firmware. You camera might not have firmware. But if you have a camera that can have different lenses, it is safe to say that model will have some firmware updates available.

Also just learn how to setup your camera to your liking, if you don't set up your camera, like changing the picture style, or changing how your camera functions a bit, you are not getting immersed enough in the experience.

Work from full auto, aperture priority, then manual. These modes are the modes I use the most. I use manually 94% of the time, because it's so adjustable. Usually full auto just ruins the picture.

Get multiple batteries, memory cards that has more than 16GB and a fast enough speed like 60mb per sec.

Also get an editing program like Photoshop and Lightroom.

Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.


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