
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban: Chapter 4

It took Harry Potter several days to get used to his new freedom. Harry can do a lot more things like study in daylight, eat, and just having a more enjoyable experience with his life. Harry had refilled his moneybag with gold Galleons, silver Sickles, and bronze Knuts from his vault from Gringotts, he had to have a plan to save his money. The thing that he wanted to buy the most is The Firebolt the fastest broom in the world, but he still has a good broom, and he never lost and he thought to himself why do I need a new broom for all this money? Harry got his school supplies, and the days slipped by and he was looking for Ron or Hermione. Plenty of Hogwarts students were arriving in Diagon Ally now, with the start of term so near. Harry woke up on the last day of holidays, thinking that he will meet up Ron and Hermione. Harry found Ron and Hermione and he was really happy to see his friends. They were outside Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor. Ron and Hermione know what happened with Harry’s aunt and they were surprised that he didn’t get expelled or worse go to jail. Ron lost his rat and Hermione got a new Owl and a Ginger cat, because Hermione got 10 Gallons for birthday money. Ron got his tonic for his rat. Harry is worried that he is not going to Hogsmeade.

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