
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Animals crossing city folk review.

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Animals crossing city folk. The animals crossing series is just great games because they are perfect in every way and if you don't have this game I recommend you get it for your children or for a parent. This game is very amusing just by decorating your house and earning stuff to make your toon better. Animals crossing city folk has a city that you can take a bus to after you are done with Tom nook's jobs and meet most of the toons there. They have, DR, the fortune teller, Shampoodle, Reed, and also much more features you have to take a look at. In this game you can transfer your toon from the DS to the Wii but all your items and money would be lost also you fancy house but you will still have the Catalog to buy stuff from. Also it's going to be harder for me to earn fruits because I don't have any friends on Wii that would trade fruits with me. You only get one kind of fruit tree per town and I got some orange trees. The town have a second floor down so double the fish plus double the weeds. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about GTA Chinatown wars what I think about the game. This game is absolutely great because it's so amusing to steels cars with the touch screen and throw bombs at cars, This game is never ending fun for on the go like road trips for example. Sometimes when you are kind of board and you stared out of the window for hours until you reminded yourself that you have brought your DSi this is the number one game for the go for Children. I am only 12 years old I think that it is not that bad as the regular GTA games that are fully based, anyway most children these days know a lot of cause words and other bad words. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

World of Warcraft got 2 new spells.

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about my two more spells I learned in World of Warcraft. The first spell I got was a spell that raises your DPS by 20 percent for 10 seconds plus sometimes it heals you. Another spell I learned was a surround healing spell that heals people for 10 seconds for 10 yards and that's awesome spell because I can use that when you are killing a elite for a quest. Also I am now level 83 finally and my sister is level 82 because she was focusing for earning pet's for her collection. Pretty soon my pally will be hard to beat in battlegrounds and they are going to beg for mercy on their souls when I PWN. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Monday, December 27, 2010

My arms are really sore right now.

Hello everybody this 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about why my arms are so sore. When I got the Wii I knew that I would be addicted to it so much that my arms are going to be sore from just dance and bowling. That's the two major games that makes me have a lot of exercise and some pain. All the pain is worth it and I am still playing the Wii but on a game that you don't get that much exercise from so I don't make my arms even more worse. Every time I take a nap my shoulders fell better, So I should take more naps and sleep more hours but it's impossible for me because I am addicted to video games and electronics because I got a electronic toy when I was young and most of the time that's all I had. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I am getting richer than ever.

Hello everybody this 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about I am getting richer than ever. This is what happened yesterday. Yesterday night accepted this quest that was really hard then I died three times and guess what I had to do to make it easier. I had to read the quest paper and they said mount of there powerful dragons and I said OMG why did I not read this nonsense. Anyway I got 1700 gold from questing and I got a my first relic, I know that's kind of embarrassing but it is my first relic plus a Prismatic gem and that's awesome. I am level 82, level 1 in the guild now, 1700 gold pieces, and some good gear. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I got a companion from one of my quest

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about what I got from a quest. yesterday I got something from a level 81 questing area and do you know what that is. It was a golden jouster pet a little bird that looks like a normal bird but it's not. I did 83 quest for that bird and that's a lot of quest for a little bird but it's awesome. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What I did to make my sister happy.

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, today I am going to talk about what I did to make my sister happy. Well I was playing video games in my sisters room and waiting for the Lunar eclipse and Winter solstice my sister was trying to sleep. I figured out that all the mouse sounds is the whole problem so I got my mouse pad out that has coins on it and put it on here desk and she was so happy when she didn't here and scratching noises. Also this mouse pad is going to help my gaming a lot because it run's smoother than it used to and that's a other advantage too. Also hope me good luck that I get awesome presents, I know we are getting a Wii but for personal gifts. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Monday, December 20, 2010

I can't wait until Christmas!

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Christmas. I can't wait until Christmas because of the nice Christmas tree and the nice food, It's going to be a epic Christmas when we open presents after church. My mum said that my mom did that all the time so it's a good idea. We want to try to open presents earlier than opening presents at 6 PM in the afternoon because I don't really have patience. I am going to try to convince my dad to open present at midnight but I think that he's to tired and old to wake up. Before Christmas we go to church and sing songs but most of the time I just mimic the songs because I don't like following the book. Most of the time I can't hear the speaker because a whole bunch of people are over at the church. I still have to buy my sister some cookies because she just want some Keebler mint cookies. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I am finally over 80

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Over level 80. I went to the new area and I loved the questing area because it gave so much better gear that I was really shocked. I am now level 81 same as my sister so we are tied with levels. But my sister would still PWN me. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I am level 80 on World of Warcraft

I am finally level 80 on World of Warcraft, It used to be cool when you are level 80 but it's not now because you have to gain 5 more levels. It's going to take a while for me to gain 5 levels because I don't like the new quest areas. It's more boring then the Borean Tundra. That's all I have to say today.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Team fortress 2 is very amusing.

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Team fortress 2 why it's so amusing. This game is one of the best games on the computer I every played except World of Warcraft. It's still a great game to play when you have a urge you want to kill someone, If you are under stress you have to play this game because this game is only 30 dollars and you get a really big package deal. It's a lot cheaper than World of Warcraft because it's 15 dollars a month and that's kind of out outrageous. I guess it's okay it's a lot of money because it's a great game with never ending fun so you can't get bored. I think that Team Fortress 2 is very good 3 out of 5 for a computer game. World of warcraft is 4 and a half at my standards. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My facebook got deleted again

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about my facebook got deleted again. I hate facebook what they did to me. They gave me a lot of pain because deleted my account again because I didn't give enough information and that's like really ridiculous and sad. I made a new facebook and it's not the same because all my games I played like Bejeweled didn't save all the levels I gained. Plus I had to add all my friends again. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our country is getting spoiled.

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about our country. Do you know why we are getting spoiled in this country? It's all because of the latest gear, department stores, and the Internet. When a kid comes with their mom and comes with them to department stores they are figuring out slowly that all the good stuff is their and not at there house. When they figure out that fact they have to ask for stuff. Plus when a kid figures out about the internet they find store deals online and see what does that item do. The the little kids ask for stuff that they don't even know what it is until they get and try it. That's how it repeats. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What I did to improve video camera image Quality

Yesterday I was about to make a new video without a new background, Then I figured why do I need a pink background let's just use printer paper to improve the quality. Quality is very important because more people watch if it's good looking and in HD, I also clean my lens of my camera every single time I use it so no one just see dust. I am so glad that I put some papers on the wall to make it look more Professional because it actually looks very nice. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Faster helicopters

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about faster helicopters. What I read in Popular Science is that they found some helicopters that are faster than the default fastest helicopters out there and I said that's great. We need fast Helicopters because we need to rescue fisherman and other stranded people that are stuck. Every second counts of living or dieing, One day they will have faster rescue helicopters that can rescue people faster and everybody happy. But the bad thing is that if you have a fast helicopter you have to really try to find stranded people but going slower because it just might be a flash of nothing appearing in the water. I know if they have machines that get all the coordinates and that would be good. The real future is coming but we don't know what's going to attack us.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

We got Cataclysm(YAY)!

Hello everybody, Today I am going to talk about we got Cataclysm. We finally got the extension pack so we can come back and upgrade my toon. My toon is level 78 right now so I have to gain 7 levels to cap it to the max. Plus I can learn the new profession archeology. It's going to be great when I play at night, I am going to play until 3 in the morning if I have to so watch out. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wrapping presents today!

Hello everybody this 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Wrapping presents today. Today I think we are going to wrap like a little bit of presents. We only have about 5 presents to wrap, Wii remote, Wii console, Wii nunchuck, and the Just Dance game. We spent 2 dollars on Christmas wrapping paper because at Dollar Tree they didn't really have really good wrapping paper so we just chosen the best 2 wrapping papers. It's going to be fun to review my wrapping skills from last year to now, I am excited to wrap presents for the presents to make people have fun. If you read this my sister bring your presents so we can wrap them.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The first mature game on the Nintendo gaming system.

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about the first rated mature game on DSi. Most of everyone that has a Nintendo DS doesn't know about they have a mature game that came out a year ago. Guess what is it, It is GTA on the Nintendo DS system. That was a total surprise that they had GTA on DS so you can play on the go. I saw youtube reviews and they rate this game outstanding for a DS game. It's like another Animals Crossing Wild World but a little bit more violent. This game packs in a lot of cool stuff by making grenades and buying lottery tickets. Some of the full games on the console don't allow all this cool features that the GTA Chinatown wars has to offer. Everybody says this game is like 4 and a half out a 5, It is a must have game. I think it is true because I am a GTA fan too and most people love this game. I think it's going to run me 20 dollars or more. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My dad need's to buy Cataclysm

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about my dad need's to buy Cataclysm. Yesterday Cataclysm came out and I was so excited to get the game, but I didn't get the game. I know it's to much to ask but Cataclysm is awesome because you can make a Goblin or a Worgen, I know the Worgen is as good as a Goblin but it will do with a new chain of quest and story lines. My goal is when I make my toon level 80 I have to get the game because then I can turn 85 and be maxed out with my purple gear and ton's of money. I think a lot of people give their level 80's 5 levels so they can be level 85 in no time. That's kind of wrong like the CODBO has prestige's but people hack it. So the five levels is like nothing, but if you earn all the experience it will take forever to be level 85. Me and my sister already paid for this extension so we just have to wait. Thank you for reading my blog nad have a nice day.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Cataclysm. Today is Dec 7, 2010 and it's a great day to get Cataclysm to play as Goblins and Worgens. Today I am not really getting Cataclysm because my mom can't afford and so I can wait for a little bit. Anyway I play more Call of duty Black Ops instead of World of Warcraft so that doesn't really matter to me. I do really want Cataclysm but I just have to wait. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Monday, December 6, 2010

World of Warcraft getting some money

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about having a lot of money in World of Warcraft. When I first started World of Warcraft I used to beg for money and do lot's of dungeons but now it's the complete opposite. I am earning tons of money because of doing quest, trading, and dungeons. Dungeons is my last resort when I am bored and need more items for my level. Right now I am level 77 in World of Warcraft and Cataclysm is coming out tomorrow! I hope that dad buys it because me and my sister already gave money dad and he owes us. You have to get Cataclysm when it comes out because you just have to and plus you will be behind. Also I am glad it snowed on the weekend because it covers up all the ugly sidewalks. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Friday, December 3, 2010

I got Call of Duty Black Ops.

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, Today I am going to talk about Call of Duty Black Ops. Call of Duty Black Ops is so much better than MW2 because the mulitplayer is more customizable than MW2. Like you can customize your red dot sights and your Character and the Campaign is awesome. CDBO has the zombie mode back and that's awesome to have in the game because I love killing zombies online. CDBO has new weopons and perks plus more killstreaks. The bad thing is that they got rid of the Tactical nuke and that's a awesome thing to earn on your emblems. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Keebler's point of view

Hello everybody this is Keebler, Just rub my tummy and give me kisses. Can you please give me some turkey oh yea it's not thanksgiving anymore, you have to take me outside for a walk and going bathroom. Please don't play video games because you don't pet me when you are playing videos games Sebastian and Teressa. Please play with me and make me wag my tail, It will make me totally happy when I wag my tail. Also give me some breakfast sunny side up. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I should really get Call of Duty Black ops.

Hello everybody this is 2cool4games, today I am going to talk about Call of Duty Black ops. I really need Call of Duty Black ops because every xbox live friend has the new Call of Duty game and I don't. I feel retarded that I can't play with my friends because I don't have the game. I think I only have 60 dollars all together because I went Christmas shopping for the family, remember I bought a Wii remote and a Wii nunchuck. I spent a lot of my own money for Christmas shopping so I don't have that much money left. I wish I can do adsense on my videos because I want to earn money just by viewing advertisements. If you get views you get 10 cents per person and that's a good deal, I still have the offer on my video because I got a lot of views on it. I can't sign up a saving account the adsense you need a credit card. I just with that I can just earn money that. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.