
Friday, September 28, 2012

Cold weather makes my computer cool during operation.

My computer is really cool right now, even though I have watched tons of flash content. I will tell you why my computer is really cool. It's because that I have a fall season in our state Wisconsin. I think it's about 67 or 68 degrees in our house even though the heat is turned on because we like to save money instead of wasting it on heating our house really well. It makes sense to me that my mac is running cooler during our season because it's like a winter vacation for the computer. My computer is breathing nice and perfect air because of the temperature. My computer is a little warm but not that hot. I am happy about this! Also I fixed my xbox 360 from freezing again by removing the cable box from under it and lifting the DVD player under it so the cable box is under the cable box. It's like a heat buffer from the cable box because it runs very hot. Also we had a Wii on my Xbox and that just gave my xbox extra heat on the top. So I removed the Wii and I put it in the media dresser. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Monday, September 17, 2012

I love Google Translate.

Google Translate is such a wonderful tool! This Google app is really useful for learning languages and decoding documents in different languages. This tool really makes you more efficient than rather just using a book for decoding words because it's faster and it also says the word out loud for you. For me it's useful because I can decode the Korean questions in my workbook with the app. It helps a lot with language homework. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Make your own test while learning a second language.

I just started taking Korean courses at UW-Milwaukee for about a week and a half now. What I've noticed is that I studied kind of wrong for a while. I just used flash cards, worksheets from online, and a browser game. The only thing that was missing was? It was self test. The thing that I noticed when I got almost everything wrong on the test, I noticed that I didn't study right. What I've noticed was that I needed to make a test with audio from now on. So I made a audio test for myself and the first test was with all the consonants and with the vowel ㅏ. I got 7 out of 14 wrong first. The second attempt I got 10 out of 14 wrong. My point is when you learn a foreign language make audio file test for yourselves. Also buy workbooks and follow YouTube videos. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Trying to memorize the Korean alphabet.

The first thing you do when you learn a language is to learn the alphabet of the language. If you don't know the alphabet, you are never going to know the language structure. I think this is the hardest part of learning a language, because you have to memorize how to write and say the alphabet and then mix them all together and say it in different ways. Tomorrow I have a test on Korean. I will try my best to prepare for the test. I am finding lots of resources like worksheets and videos. The worksheets with the videos helps very much. All I know is that the more time you spend on something, the better you get at. So I just have to keep studying Korean until I memorize all the sounds and memorize all the writings of the Korean alphabet. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Friday, September 7, 2012

I am now taking Korean 101 courses.

I am now finally taking Korean courses. I am very grateful that I am able to take courses so I can learn the Korean as my second language. I am taking these courses at UW-Milwaukee. I never known that Korean is so easy to learn. The only problem that is in your favor is memorization. Most people like me needs lots of time to remember all this stuff to be able to learn Korean by yourself. If you know the Korean alphabet, I think you would be able to learn it by yourself very easily. But if you still have the chance to take another Korean course and you already know the Korean alphabet go ahead. I really think that you can never take enough courses. Also use your Korean in Korea when you have a chance to go there. The best place to learn Korean is Korea. Also make a Korean friend so you can practice your Korean with he or she. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.