
Thursday, November 29, 2012

I am going to have a good Christmas.

Having a good Christmas doesn't have to be good. It can be bad and it can also be very good. Right now I just appreciate that I am even living on this earth. We have so many good things to enjoy. We have eyesight, ears, fingers to type and play videos on our electronic devices, and relationships. We have to think about not just the product we are using, we have to think about our eyes and ears and hands can use the awesome product. The biggest thing that I value are my eyes. Being able to see is amazing because their are so many colors and things to touch that we see with our eyes. Without being able to see we won't be able to see what we touch. A product a building or something that has a very interesting texture is very valuable when you can see it. Thank you for reading my blog and I hope your have a very nice Christmas even though you may not have enough money to buy your family or friends lot of gifts. But still enjoy.

Canon BG-E6 batteries last a long time.

These BG-E6 batteries for certain camera models like the Canon 5D Mark II, 7D, and 60D are astounding. These batteries really last a long time in the field while shooting tons of photos. I am pretty sure that the battery will last long enough to take enough pictures to fill about two 32GB CF cards with only one battery. I always have a rule for taking care of the batteries. I always charge them when the charge is 25% or less. The reason why is that I think that you should drain the batteries to at least 25% percent before charging them so they will last longer in the future while shooting your photos. I think two batteries will last you for a day if you are shooting like a crazy person with unlimited memory. I have always taken more photos then I need to take. The things you need for your camera are good lenses, batteries, CF cards, and a card reader if you don't have one built in your computer system. This is really all your need for shooting. I recommend that you should bring only two lenses or just one with your while walking around and taking photos. I really don't like carrying an extra lens. Carrying an extra lens just puts you down faster. Make sure that most of the time when you don't need two lenses. You only bring one. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Learning a foreign language gets easier over time.

I have been taking Korean courses for maybe 2-3 months now. The first couple weeks I didn't really know what to expect in the future. Then the new few weeks after that made me really surprised how behind I was in the class. I was kind of disappointed with myself for a day, but I thought to myself that you can just learn this language over time. You can't learn a language in just a few weeks / months. You have to put time into things or it won't come through to you. I am not disappointed with myself anymore because I have many years left to learn Korean. I am in the last weeks of my class and I feel more immersed in the class than when I just started. I have to admit that I didn't study to well the first few weeks that I was in the class, and I noticed that mistake very shortly. It's not really a big deal to me because you can always learn this stuff by yourself on your own time. And this class is based on self-learning. If you can't self-learn you can't pass this class. I am a lot happier now that I have noticed this fact. The fact that you can learn this language during the years of your life. And they have so much resources that you can learn off. They have really good YouTube videos on learning the Korean language. The only thing that I have to say to you guys is that you have to put hours and hours into learning a foreign language and actually speaking it. And I hope you can learn your foreign language for a good purpose. Not just for the sake of learning it.... Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Use custom picture styles with your Canon camera.

I love using custom picture styles with my Canon 5D Mark II. Custom picture styles that I use are not made by me. It's made by better people that spend a lot of time making picture styles. I really like Kodachrome picture style. It's a really nice custom picture style and I never got disappointed using this picture style. You can find a lot of picture styles on this website: ( ). This website has a lot of experienced photographers on the forum. I trust them very much with my camera and you should also enjoy their picture styles that they had made. You can also download this very awesome picture style that is superflat so you can colorgrade better and get better dynamic range when you are recording video or taking pictures with your DSLR. It's called the technicolor picture style and you can get it here: ).

Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Using a PC keyboard on my imac.

Using a PC keyboard on the Mac is a very nice experience. You don't need a keyboard that is spacifically for the mac. You just need a regular PC keyboard with a USB connection. If you can find a keyboard with these options you are set to go. When you connect your PC keyboard to your computer, it window pops up and it says to select what can of keyboard you are using. Like if it's a US keyboard or a Japanese keyboard. Then you just select the USA button then you press finish. Then you just use your keyboard from there. One downfall is that you can't use your function keys like volume because it doesn't work with a regular keyboard that is not made for mac. But everything else then that con everything has been a good experience. I am using two keyboards right now, a apple numeric keyboard with 2 USB ports and I just connected my PC keyboard to the other keyboard. This keyboard is awesome to type with and I hope you do the same if you don't like Apple keyboards like I do. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The number 1 reason why you need a 50mm lens.

The most crucial thing about this lens is. Can you guess? It's the low-light performance. This lens works so great indoors because a lot of times a f/4 can't handle a dimly lit house. The 50mm has a aperture of 1.4! This is spectacular because the more light that your lens can take in means better quality photos. The 50mm lens is a great lens for things like parties, portraits, landscape, and lowlight conditions. This lens is great if you don't really need a really big zoom range. If you need a big zoom range try to get the 70-200mm 2.8 Canon lens.   

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The best reason why you shouldn't switch to a Mac.

I am going to tell you how I feel right now about Macs. The good thing about a Mac to me is that a Mac has an astounding record on reliability. That's why my family doesn't like PC's, because they kind of have problems with reliability, but it's mostly our faults that our computers break because we want a bang for the buck for PC's.

Anyway onto the point about why you switch to Mac. Please trust me on this... Macs don't have the Business feel as a PC has. It just feels like a computer that you just watch Netflix on and just a computer that you fool around with online. If your PC crashed in the past, you either have bad luck picking a computer or you don't look at the reviews or your are not using the right antivirus software out their. If you don't use antivirus software, your computer will be doomed from the real world out. They have many people out their that just want to make viruses and other things like Trojan just to earn money. Money is everywhere, and people find it on their own basis.

Really trust me on this. I get more serious things down with a old PC than the imac I have on my desk for doing things. PC's just have that kind of feeling to it. PC's make doing work fun while using a Mac you just want to fool around.

I think I know why this is happening to me, I really don't like the operating system. The operating system is very boring to me, and it doesn't offer you any fun things that comes with the operating system. Also the visuals of the operating system, not the graphics, are really boring. It's just a plain dock and a finder that is really boring. I think that's why people like me fool around on Macs a lot. It's because the operating system is very boring for your eyes. Here I solved you case. Just install Avast Internet Security the best antivirus right now in my opinion, and buy a decently priced computer that is not too cheap and you will be okay. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tips for starting out with a DSLR.

When I got my first DSLR, it was like a alien product to me. I didn't know how to use it correctly and just used full auto mode for a couple months. I am going to tel you the secrets on how to learn your camera.

Please look at YouTube tutorials. If you don't look at YouTube videos that teach you how to take better photos, and teaches you how to use you camera. You will be doomed with a alien product. You want your alien product that you don't know how to use to be less foreign to you. First I would update the firmware on your camera, If you don't upgrade your firmware of your camera, there are more chances of complications with your camera. Please look up ______ the camera model and then how to update firmware. You camera might not have firmware. But if you have a camera that can have different lenses, it is safe to say that model will have some firmware updates available.

Also just learn how to setup your camera to your liking, if you don't set up your camera, like changing the picture style, or changing how your camera functions a bit, you are not getting immersed enough in the experience.

Work from full auto, aperture priority, then manual. These modes are the modes I use the most. I use manually 94% of the time, because it's so adjustable. Usually full auto just ruins the picture.

Get multiple batteries, memory cards that has more than 16GB and a fast enough speed like 60mb per sec.

Also get an editing program like Photoshop and Lightroom.

Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.


Monday, November 5, 2012

What I am going to do with the time of my life?

I just noticed this year how time goes so fast. I believe that time goes to a faster limit every year you get older. Maybe we think that time is going faster and faster, and maybe it's because that when we were really young that, our brains weren't as sensitive to time as of now. They say that our brains aren't fully developed until the age of 25. And maybe the age of 25 is the time sensitively cap. Maybe our brains develop like this because the faster the time goes, the faster we move and think. Maybe that's how we were made to be. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Learning a foreign language shouldn't be easy for most people.

If you think that learning a foreign language is extremely easy you are wrong. If you just started out learning foreign languages, it should be a little easy at first. Then a couple weeks later you should be struggling with the grammar and the culture of the language. Right now I am learning Korean. People say learning Korean is very easy, it is easy in a certain way. But it's not really that easy because of the culture of the language. The culture of the language I think is the most important aspect of learning a new language. You don't want to be wronged when saying bad grammar. In the language I am learning now, has 4 verb endings for different situations. Formal, informal formal, informal, and dictionary form. This is kind of complicated switching back and forth between these verb endings. I often get really confused with the endings but I am still in the process of learning these endings. Also you have to know how to speak your language, you should not just be reading and writing it. You should be speaking it. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.